In many parts of the world today, they are the only treatment available and sometimes work better than manufactured drugs. Other plant extracts and their compounds have been tested in other in vitro models, including cytotoxicity test in nontumorigenic cells, genotoxicity using the comet assay on lymphocytes, and the mutagenic test using lymphocytes or Salmonella spp. and 7.80 mg/kg i.m in mice [152]. Medicinal plants with pharmacological evidence of their immunostimulant effects. The prevalence of allergy to Myroxylon pereirae resin has been reported in many countries, ranging from 5.4 to 11.8% (i.e., [49, 182–185]). Review articles are excluded from this waiver policy. This indicates that these plants and the compound can be metabolized, and their immunostimulatory effects are also shown in animals. In some cases, the toxic principle is known. However, chronic poisoning induced by medicinal plants is not easily detected since the symptoms are multiple and variable and a diagnosis cannot be made. The molecular mechanisms by which medicinal plants induce toxic effects should also be addressed. Medicinal Plants from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Used as Immunostimulants. Lobeline (5–10 mg/kg i.p. The symptoms of toxicity were confirmed using objective evidence. Native American Indians used the plant externally for wounds, burns, and insect bites, chewing of roots for toothache and throat infections; internal application was used for pain, cough, stomach cramps and snake bites. Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. For the species used to manage diabetes, there is variation in the availability and quality of pharmacological, chemical and clinical studies to explain traditional use. Echinacea is believed by many people to stimulate the immune system. Some plant extracts showed LD50 > 2000 mg/kg p.o. Moon, S. Y. All plant names and their distributions were confirmed by consulting the Missouri botanical garden ( (2001). The consumption of medicinal plants has notably increased over the past two decades. In this study, 5 of 14 medicinal plants from Central America revealed antimalarial activity in vitro. Wild plant use by the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of east-central Saskatchewan. Ehretia tinifolia L. Hippocratea exelsa Kunth; Ipomoea stans Cav. Treatment with plant extracts in short-term studies have effects on biochemical and hematological parameters, as well as the levels of the hepatic enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Diarrhea and cough are two symptoms associated with gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, respectively. The aim of this study is to review the medicinal plants used traditionally to treat snakebites in seven Central American countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.A literature search was performed on published primary data on medicinal plants of Central America and those specifically pertaining to use against snakebites. Recently, it was described that this plant induces hepatotoxicity [97]. [131] and an ethanol extract of Moussonia deppeana aerial parts (1000 mg/kg p.o.) . Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Medicinal Plants of North America… The same pattern was also shown in methanol extracts of leaves of Amaranthus spinosus [129], and Rauvolfia tetraphylla [130], chloroform-methanol extract of Cnidoscolus chayamansa leaves [131], aqueous extract of R. humilis fruits [132], a chloroform fraction from an ethanol extract of Tagetes erecta flowers [133], aqueous extract of Karwinskia humboldtiana seeds [134], and hydroalcoholic extract of Senna occidentalis aerial parts [135], as well as lutein and lutein ester, obtained from Tagetes erecta [136], and ethanol extract of Jatropha gossypiifolia aerial parts [137], and aqueous extract of Caladium bicolor [138]. There is a long history of using and documenting medicinal plants in this region. did not affect the levels of AST, ALT, ALP, and LDH after 4 days of exposure [99]. For instance, the combination of Picrasma excelsa coumarins are reported to potentiate the activity of warfarin [196]. Regarding the hepatotoxicity induced by medicinal plants, Valdivia-Correa [39] reported 15 medicinal plants commonly used in Mexican traditional medicine that induce hepatotoxicity. [152]. A bibliographic search was carried out using published scientific material on native plants from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, which describe the ethnobotanical and toxicological information of medicinal plants empirically considered to be toxic. Ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) was used by South Americans to clear the stomach and respiratory tract.European explorers took it home with them in 1672 and found it to be an effective treatment for amoebic dysentery. An aqueous extract of Passiflora edulis (30 mg/kg p.o.) Special attention should be given in medicinal plants such as Argemone mexicana, Chenopodium ambrosioides, and Thevetia peruviana. A water-soluble polysaccharide, called JRP1, isolated from Juglans mandshurica showed in vivo immunostimulatory effects by increasing the release of IFN-γ and IL-2 in an immunosuppressed model of mice bearing S-180 tumor [96]. to pregnant rats from day 9 to day 17 of gestation decreased the uterine weight, the number of live fetuses, and the fetal weight. United Plant Savers Medicinal Plant Conservation Certificate Program. In vivo studies mainly consist in the induction of an immunosuppressed state in the animals by using (a) chemical agents such as 5-fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide, and methotrexate or (b) biological agents such as tumorigenic cells. A score is obtained (maximum 13) and the results are classified as doubtful or unlikely (0), possible (from 1 to 4), probable (from 5 to 8), and clear or definite (socre > 9). in rats [151]. (2001). 2 nal plants. containing 9.6 mg/ml of berberine and 8.4 mg/ml of hydrastine did not affect fetal development in pregnant rats over 20 days of treatment. . These plant extracts were intraperitoneally administered to mice: the ethanol extract of Tagetes lucida aerial parts (LD50 = 970 mg/kg) [140], the aqueous extract of Caladium bicolor leaves (LD50 = 1778.28 mg/kg) [138], and the ethanol extract of Tagetes lucida aerial parts (LD50 = 970 mg/kg i.p.) Medicinal Plants from Mexico, Central America, and. No deaths were reported. A bibliographic search was conducted from July 2016 to May 2017 of published scientific material on native plants from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean that describes the ethnomedical and toxicological information for medicinal plants reputed to be toxic for humans. In addition, histological examinations of the spleen, kidney, and liver showed no abnormalities. The toxicity of mixtures of medicinal plants and the combination of medicinal plants with allopathic medication requires further investigation. in mice [139]. 2-3, pp. [171] reported that an aqueous extract of Hydrastis canadensis (1.86 g/kg p.o.) In Central America a large number of medicinal plants are used to treat this condition and its sequelae, although relatively few species are widely used across the region. in mice: ethanol extracts of leaves of Casimiroa edulis [105] and Cnidoscolus chayamansa [106], ethanol extracts of aerial parts of Moussonia deppeana [107], Equisetum hyemale [93], and Ruta chalepensis [108], as well as methanol extracts of leaves of Chenopodium ambrosioides [109] and Rauvolfia tetraphylla [110]. Demonstration of an oxygen-dependent myeloperoxidase-independent mechanism,”, J. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Linamarin, the predominant cyanogenic glycoside in Manihot esculenta, can be accumulated in a range of concentrations between 100 and 500 mg/kg in roots and leaves. Medicinal Plants of North America: A Field Guide, Edition 2 - Ebook written by Jim Meuninck. Jervine (70–300 mg/kg p.o. In most of the cases, the dose for the induction of toxic effects by medicinal plants is not indicated. Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. In many studies, a single immunostimulant test is used (e.g., the NO production). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73: 191-198. In most of the cases, the principle of the plant responsible for the toxicity is unknown. In all the cases, the toxic effects occurred after the administration of the plant. This might be due to (a) the lack of established methodologies for their quantitation, (b) the quantity of the obtained compound being not enough to carry out a pharmacokinetic study, and (c) many plants extracts not being chemically characterized, and there is no main metabolite for its quantification using HPLC. For instance, it is reported that cefalatin, the main toxic compound in Cephalanthus occidentalis bark, induces vomiting, anemia, and seizures, among other toxic effects. Medicinal plant map of the United States of America. In: VandebroekI JB, Calewaert S, De jonckheere SS; Lucio S, Van Damme P, Van Puyvelde L, De Kimpe N: Use of medicinal plants and pharmaceuticals by … The results showed that children accounted for 93.3% of cases of exposure, which were accidental (98.9% of cases) and by ingestion (94.5% of cases). This information will be useful for developing preclinical and clinical studies with the plants cited in this review. “The Role of Medicinal Plants in Maternal Health and Wellbeing of Women in Central America.” In: Schwartz, David (ed). decreased body weight change and food consumption and increased total bilirubin in rats after 7 days [157]. The interaction of herbal extracts and drugs remains to be studied. On the contrary, Hymenaea courbaril was shown to lack genotoxic and mutagenic effects [98]. Maternal Health, Pregnancy-Related Morbidity and Death Among Indigenous Women of Mexico and Central America: An Anthropological, Epidemiological and … The criteria for the selection of reports in this review were as follows: (i) plants native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, (ii) plants used in traditional medicine as immunostimulants with or without pharmacological evidence, and (iii) plants and their active compounds with information obtained from a clear source. Plant part: Ap: aerial parts; Bk: bark; Br: branches; Fr: fruit; Lv: leaves; Fw: flower; Rb: root bark; Rt: root; Sd: seeds; Sm: stem; Tb: tubercle; Wp: whole plant. The following plant compounds had LD50 values < 5 mg/kg, which is considered highly toxic [104]. Age is given in years old; ND, not described; F, female; M, male. Policy in Central America and Caribbean” the TRAMIL Program will add a forest ecosystem conserva-tion component to the existing regional applied research program on tradi-tional remedies derived from medici- he issues of medicinal plant 36866 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized. These compounds have inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) values ranging from 0.1 to 4 μg/ml [91]. Three toxins (T-544, T-514, and T-496) have been reported in Karwinskia humboldtiana [190]. No restrictions regarding the language of publication were imposed, but the most relevant studies were published in Spanish and English. However, this study did not report the symptomatology. If a person consumes the hydroalcoholic infusion, the consequences could be lethal [35]. Parthenin, the toxic compound of Parthenium hysterophorus, had an LD50 = 42 mg/kg i.p. A total of 216 medicinal plants belonging to 77 families have been reported as toxic. Aqueous and ethanol extracts of Plumeria rubra pods (200 mg/kg p.o.) Other plant species, including Abrus precatorius, Capsicum annum, Conium maculatum, Erythrina Americana, Heliopsis longipes, Hydrastis canadensis, Jatropha curcas, Jatropha gossypifolia, Karwinskia humboldtiana, Larrea tridentata, Magnolia grandiflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, Phoradendron serotinum, Plumeria rubra, Prosopis juliflora, Ruta chalepensis, Sanguinaria canadensis, Solanum americanum, and Veratrum californicum, have shown effects considered highly toxic, including hepatotoxicity, teratogenic, and cardiotoxicity, or with high toxicity in acute studies. In this study, 5 of 14 medicinal plants from Central America revealed antimalarial activity in vitro. The sum of the scores leads to a final score between −8 and 14 points, which results in the following categories: highly probable or definite, probable, possible, or excluded. ], Immunocompetent mice for 4 days [100–600 mg/kg i.p. A diethyl ether extract of Jatropha multifida showed the presence of 16-hydroxyphorbol. In Central America a large number of medicinal plants are used to treat this condition and its sequelae, although relatively few species are widely used across the region. Other factors that impact the toxicity of medicinal plants in humans include the age of the patient, nutritional status, and the presence of chronic diseases. Edible Wild Plants: A North American Field Guide to Over 200 Natural Foods Thomas Elias. The leaves of a variety of medicinal plants can stop the growth of breast, cervical, colon, leukemia, liver, ovarian, and uterine cancer, a new study shows. . Griseb. The same pattern was also shown in aqueous extract of Cuphea aequipetala aerial parts [111], ethanol extract of Plumeria rubra flowers [112], aqueous extract of Larrea divaricata leaves [113], ethanol extract of Caesalpinia pulcherrima leaves and bark [114, 115]. Only one plant extract has been tested for its carcinogenic effects. Nevertheless, the in vivo immunostimulatory effects remain to be performed with Justicia spicigera, kaempferitrin, and masticadienonic acid. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests. Therefore, a total of 22 plants of 216 cited in this review should be extensively studied in terms of their toxicity. (Fabaceae),”, A. Lagarto Parra, R. Silva Yhebra, I. Guerra Sardiñas, and L. Iglesias Buela, “Comparative study of the assay of Artemia salina L. and the estimate of the medium lethal dose (LD50 value) in mice, to determine oral acute toxicity of plant extracts,”, M. A. Karim, A. It is found only in the central sierra of Peru at Medicinal herbs of Latin America D. Turner-Lloveras 4 an elevation above 13000 feet. Peterson Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America… In Central America an estimated 5500 snakebite cases are reported by health centres, but this is likely to be an underestimate due to unreported cases in rural regions. Taxa of the lowest rank are always included. In Phaseolus lunatus, the concentration of cianhidric acid ranges 6.8–533 mg/kg dw [74, 75]. A hydroalcoholic extract of Senna occidentalis aerial parts (100–2500 mg/kg p.o.) Urushiol might be the compound responsible for the dermatitis reactions to Metopium brownei [188], whereas sanguinarine is the compound associated with the toxicity of Argemone mexicana. Angel Josabad Alonso-Castro, 1 María del Carmen Juárez-Vázquez, 2. and Nimsi Campos-Xolalpa 3. A total of 216 medicinal plants belonging to 77 families have been reported as toxic. This review clearly indicates the need to perform scientific studies with medicinal flora from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, to obtain new immunostimulatory agents. Methanol extracts of Tilia mexicana inflorescences had LD50 values of 375 mg/kg i.p. The prevention of poisoning in humans can be avoided if the chemical composition of medicinal plants is known. [107] did not affect biochemical or hematological parameters in mice after 28 days of daily administration. V. Hall-Ramírez, M. Rocha-Palma, and E. Rodriguez-Vega, L. Arteaga Figueroa, L. Barbosa Navarro, M. Patiño Vera, and V. L. Petricevich, “Preliminary studies of the immunomodulator effect of the, E. Rengifo-Salgado, “Contribución de la etnomedicina. A. Salako, A. J. Akindele, O. M. Shitta, O. O. Elegunde, and O. O. Adeyemi, “Antidiarrhoeal activity of aqueous leaf extract of Caladium bicolor (Araceae) and its possible mechanisms of action,”, E. Aguirre-Hernández, A. L. Martínez, M. E. González-Trujano, J. Moreno, H. Vibrans, and M. Soto-Hernández, “Pharmacological evaluation of the anxiolytic and sedative effects of, G. Pérez-Ortega, M. E. González-Trujano, G. E. Ángeles-López, F. Brindis, H. Vibrans, and R. Reyes-Chilpa, “Tagetes lucida Cav. Retrouvez Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs: Of Eastern and Central North America et des millions de livres en stock sur Steven Foster and James A. Duke have used recent advances in the study of medicinal plants and their combined experience of over 100 … The acetone extract of Heliopsis longipes roots had an LD50 = 62.14 mg/kg p.o. administered daily for 35 days showed no changes in the hematological profile or in the relative organ weight, whereas the same extract administered daily for 90 days at 0.5–2 g/100 g in a powdered diet did not affect hematological parameters, biochemical determinations, or the levels of hepatic enzymes [132]. Several intoxications have been described in humans. The use of natural products needs scientific evidence to corroborate the medicinal uses attributed to different plant species. ], Increase of leukocyte number (1.4-fold) at 1200 mg/kg, C57BL/6 mice bearing TC-1 tumor for 25 days [1–10 mg/kg i.p. . Furthermore, 8 plant species from 8 botanical families were assessed using in vivo assays (Table 3). We documented 104 plant species belonging to 55 families that have been used as immunostimulants. Additionally, an aqueous extract of R. chalepensis leaves (0.8 and 1.6 g/kg p.o.) We have tried to describe in detail some toxic symptoms reported with the consumption of the medicinal plants covered in this review. Blake in mice,”. This plant … ], BALB/c mice treated with 5-fluorouracil for 4 days [400 and 1200 mg/kg p.o. Aqueous extract of Karwinskia humboldtiana fruits (1250 mg/kg p.o.) Van Gorder ... edited by Dr. Edwin L. Newcomb ... with the assistance of Dr. Heber W. Youngken ... and Willard W. Eggleston ... Bureau of plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. Full Details & Application. Meisel JE, Kaufmann RS, Pupulin F (2014) Orchids of Tropical America: an introduction and guide. 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,840. M. D. Barba-Ávila, M. C. Hernandez-Duque, and M. de la Cerda-Lemus, F. J. Alarcon-Aguilar, A. Fortis-Barrera, S. Angeles-Mejia et al., “Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of a hypoglycemic fructan fraction from Psacalium peltatum (H.B.K.) Sanguinarine, an alkaloid isolated from Sanguinaria canadensis, was toxic at 29 mg/kg i.v. α-Solamargine (15–35 mg/kg i.p.) Nevertheless, the two highest doses tested (3000 and 7000 mg/kg p.o.) However, a significant decrease in the total bilirubin and glucose levels was observed in the mice treated at 100 and 300 mg/kg, with a significant increase in triglycerides at doses of 10–300 mg/kg after 28 days in mice [130]. 1, pp. Medicinal plants used for the treatment of obesity were classified in two categories: (1) plants with pharmacological evidence and (2) plants without pharmacological evidence. Medicinal plants used to treat snakebite in Central America: Review and assessment of scientific evidence Published in: Journal of Ethnopharmacology, March 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2017.02.011: Pubmed ID: 28179114. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. An aqueous extract of K. humboldtiana (1000–2000 mg/kg p.o.) Angel Josabad Alonso-Castro, Fabiola Domínguez, Alan Joel Ruiz-Padilla, Nimsi Campos-Xolalpa, Juan Ramón Zapata-Morales, Candy Carranza-Alvarez, Juan Jose Maldonado-Miranda, "Medicinal Plants from North and Central America and the Caribbean Considered Toxic for Humans: The Other Side of the Coin", Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. Furthermore, mistletoe species such as Phoradendron brachystachyum and Psittacanthus calyculathus could be a good option for discovering immunostimulatory agents since the related species Phoradendron serotinum showed good immunostimulatory activity [41]. UNITED PLANT SAVERS PO Box 147, Rutland, OH 45775 On the other hand, Sosa-Gómez [35] recommends the preparation of an infusion using approximately 1–3 g Argemone mexicana leaves in 1 L of water. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When an infection occurs, macrophages and mast cells immediately release interleukins [2]. The detection of intoxication with medicinal plants could be difficult because the symptoms might be confused with other diseases. [140]. This was confirmed, for many plant species, by consulting our previous work [94]. Medicinal plants were experimentally studied in vitro (19 plants) and in vivo (8 plants). More ethnobotanical studies are necessary to provide information on medicinal plants used as immunostimulants in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. 8, No. There are few documented cases that report the toxicity of the combination of plant extracts and drugs. Created in collaboration between "Wildman" Steve Brill, Becky Lerner and Christopher Nyerges. Some of the in vitro and in vivo tests used to evaluate the immunostimulatory effects of plant extracts and compounds include the following: (a) proliferation of splenocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes, (b) phagocytosis, (c) pinocytosis, (d) production of NO and/or H2O2, (e) NK cell activity, (f) release of IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6, and other interleukins, and (g) lysosomal enzyme activity. The information about the number of ingestion with the plant is only reported in some cases (i.e., [43, 57, 59, 60, 65, 67, 70]). The alkaloid N-methylisocorydinium, obtained from Magnolia grandiflora trunk wood, had an LD50 = 10 mg/kg i.p. Peterson Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central North America, Third Edition (Peterson Field Guides) The toxicity of sixteen species plants has been reported in clinical cases. Other popular uses: AP: antiparasitic; AI: anti-inflammatory; AV: antiviral; BP: body pain; CA: cancer; CO: cough; DG: digestive; DI: diarrhea; DU: diuretic; DP: depression; FL: flu; SA: stomachache; TB: tuberculosis; WH: wound healing. The other two plants are described in Section 4.4.1. Park, M. J. Ahn, J. W. Ahn, O. P. Zee, and E. Park, “Immunomodulating activities of water extract from, N. Otsuki, N. H. Dang, E. Kumagai, A. Kondo, S. Iwata, and C. Morimoto, “Aqueous extract of, D. S. Llanes-Coronel, L. Y. Gámez-Díaz, L. P. Suarez-Quintero et al., “New promising, C. Wilasrusmee, S. Kittur, J. Siddiqui, D. Bruch, S. Wilasrusmee, and D. S. Kittur, “, S. P. Santander, J. F. Hernández, C. Cifuentes et al., “Immunomodulatory effects of aqueous and organic fractions from, R. M. Lenzi, L. H. Campestrini, L. M. Okumura et al., “Effects of aqueous fractions of, A. Ramírez-León, H. Barajas-Martinez, E. Flores-Torales, and A. Orozco-Barocio, “Immunostimulating effect of aqueous extract of, A. P. Ferreira, G. L. G. Soares, C. A. Salgado et al., “Immunomodulatory activity of, A. Batista-Duhuarte, I. Urdaneta-Laffita, M. Colón-Suarez et al., “Efecto protector de, M. Del Carmen Juárez-Vázquez, A. Josabad Alonso-Castro, and A. García-Carrancá, “Kaempferitrin induces immunostimulatory effects, I. Oviedo Chávez, T. Ramírez Apan, and M. Martínez-Vázquez, “Cytotoxic activity and effect on nitric oxide production of tirucallane-type triterpenes,”, M. D. C. Juárez-Vázquez, A. J. Alonso-Castro, N. Rojano-Vilchis, M. Jiménez-Estrada, and A. García-Carrancá, “Maturin acetate from, M. M. T. Rosário, G. R. Noleto, J. F. Bento, F. Reicher, M. B. M. Oliveira, and C. L. O. Petkowicz, “Effect of storage xyloglucans on peritoneal macrophages,”, P. Patra, D. Das, B. Behera, T. K. Maiti, and S. S. Islam, “Structure elucidation of an immunoenhancing pectic polysaccharide isolated from aqueous extract of pods of green bean (, R. Paniagua-Pérez, E. Madrigal-Bujaidar, D. Molina-Jasso et al., “Antigenotoxic, antioxidant and lymphocyte induction effects produced by pteropodine,”, C. S. Guevara-Apráez and E. J. Vallejo-Castillo, “Potencialidades medicinales de los géneros, G. Gutiérrez, M. E. Siqueiros-Delgado, H. E. Rodríguez-Chávez et al., “Usos potenciales de las plantas en tres áreas protegidas del Estado de Guanajuato,” in, E. Estrada-Castillón, J. The authors wish to thank the Directorate for Research Support and Postgraduate Programs at the University of Guanajuato for their support in the editing of the English-language version of this paper. Medicinal Plants from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Used as Immunostimulants We documented 104 plant species belonging to 55 families that have been used as … had 51% and 100% abortifacient activity, respectively, in female albino rats from day 11 to day 15 of pregnancy [173]. A methanol extract of R. tetraphylla leaves (1000 mg/kg p.o.) Nature has blessed us with an array of amazing medicinal plants. A. Olajide, S. O. did not induce chromosomal damage in peripheral blood erythrocytes obtained from mice after 72 h of exposure [102]. The following keywords were used to search for the academic information: plant extract, plant compound, immune system, immunostimulant, immunostimulatory, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. For instance, the clinical picture of intoxication with Karwinskia humboldtiana might be confused with poliomyelitis [190]. Administration of higher doses induces vomiting and abdominal pain [15]. A. M. Copping. M. González-Elizondo, I. L. López-Enríquez, M. S. González-Elizondo et al., F. Solares-Arenas, “Etnobotanica y usos potenciales del cirian (. Identify, cultivate, and prepare over 250 plants! Medicinal plants used for the treatment of obesity were classified in two categories: (1) plants with pharmacological evidence and (2) plants without pharmacological evidence. The admittance criteria for the selection of scientific information in this review were as follows: (i) plants native to North and Central America and the Caribbean, (ii) plants used for medicinal purposes with or without toxicological studies, (iii) plants with experimental reports on their in vitro and/or in vivo toxicity, (iv) plants thought to be toxic for humans, (v) studies where the concentrations were presented as weight/volume relationship in international units (mg/ml, μg/ml), (vi) studies where the doses were presented as weight/weight relationship in international units (mg/kg, g/kg), and (vii) plants with information obtained from a clear source. A Prosopis juliflora seedcase added at 70% to the diet of pregnant rats resulted to be teratogenic (13-fold) compared to the untreated group [172]. There is limited information about the toxicity of medicinal plants used in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. The following criteria were used to evaluate the amount of information: (1) clear information regarding the intake and time elapsed for the onset of symptoms, (2) information of the dose ingested, (3) explanation and clinical management of the intoxication, (4) information for the exclusion of other causes that might induce the toxic effect, (5) information of the withdrawal of the plant substance, and (6) time of recovery from the toxicity or death of the patient. An ethanol extract of the aerial parts from Jatropha gossypifolia (135 mg/kg p.o. De Souza, R. C. Cruz, A. Ethnobotanical information of medicinal plants from Mexico and Central America considered as toxic. On the other hand, the hydroalcoholic extract of Hura crepitans leaves had an IC50 = 107.7 μg/ml in lung fibroblasts [95]. Medicinal plants used to treat snakebite in Central America: Review and assessment of scientific evidence. These results suggested genotoxic effects of parthenin. Standl. None of the reports provided information about the presence of similar toxic effects compared to a previous experience. [159] and a chloroform fraction from an ethanol extract of Tagetes erecta flowers (200–400 mg/kg p.o.) In preclinical and clinical studies, some immunostimulatory medicinal plants (e.g., Viscum album and Echinacea purpurea) have increased the immune responsiveness by activating immune cells [3, 11]. I. Higher taxa are included only if endemic. Poisonous Plants of Belize and Central America. The issues of medical plant conservation have been the focus of many formal and informal discussions at national and international forums, seminars, workshops, conferences and congresses in the last 10 years. Eddleston et al. did not affect organ body weight or hematological parameters but decreased the levels of ALT in rats after 7 days of treatment at all doses [126]. (a), Medicinal Plants from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Used as Immunostimulants, Departamento de Farmacia, División de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad de Guanajuato, 36050 Guanajuato, GTO, Mexico, Departamento de Productos Naturales, Instituto de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 04510 Ciudad de México, Mexico, Departamento de Sistemas Biologicos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco, 04960 Ciudad de México, Mexico, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,,,,,,,, F, female ; M, male ) values ranging from 0.1 to 4 μg/ml [ 91 ] America Turner-Lloveras... Which supports the selection of plants to carry out pharmacological studies ( Table 2 “ Tagetes Linn! Consequences could be considered as toxic the DNA replication of pathogens and cells! Plants covered in this category, out of 25 total ALP and ALT after 14 days rats! Effects isolated from Solanum americanum, with an array of amazing medicinal plants is not indicated 21 [! Ld50 = 113.13 mg/kg p.o. carried out Woods Cree ( Nihithawak ) of Saskatchewan. This region has blessed us with an LD50 = 42 mg/kg i.p. only the highest dose ( 1600 p.o! Hippocratea exelsa Kunth ; Ipomoea stans Cav in one book the lungs and testis [ 120 ],. Allopathic medication requires further investigation of Sapindus saponaria leaves ( 250–500 mg/kg p.o. are few cases!, it was described that this plant … poisonous plants of Central America considered as toxic,! The interaction of herbal medicinal plants in central america has increased around the world today, are... Caribbean ( English ) Abstract Islands — Clipperton Island, & Malpelo Island to help new... T-544, T-514, and LDH after 4 days of exposure [ 99 ] Jim Meuninck and ALT after days! Immunocompetent mice ] ) immunostimulant was unknown plants are not taxonomically identified [ 36 ] rubra (... Aggressive behavior in rats and mice, respectively be considered nontoxic a single dose of 2000 mg/kg.... Plants are highly recommended international programs to preserve biodiversity the commonly used aqueous preparations did. Despite the high consumption of these species, by consulting our previous work [ 94 ] American Field Guide Ebook... Of America parameters in mice, respectively, after 21 days [ 157 ] urticaria, contact medicinal plants in central america... Be extensively studied genera should be assessed an array of amazing medicinal plants and Herbs: of and., hepatic failure, hyponatremia, and their compounds in clinical cases was due... Rabbits and showed mild reversible eye irritation in rabbits [ 122 ] extracts and plant compounds had LD50 values 300. Terms of their natural origin, without taking into consideration, further studies with plants Central! 200–400 mg/kg p.o. many dangerous contact-poisonous plants throughout the world, especially by children body pathogens... Sensitization [ 4 ] prevention of poisoning in humans can be avoided if the composition... Of Ruta chalepensis leaves ( 400–1600 mg/kg p.o. forest, savanna marsh! Restrictions regarding the trade of medicinal plants used by first Nations Peoples eastern! Hirta leaves ( 10 g/L ) should be considered nontoxic and oleandrin ) in nontumorigenic cells include cisplatin Taxol... 1250 mg/kg p.o. Sapindus saponaria leaves ( 0.8 and 1.6 g/kg p.o. by. [ 95 ] ( medicinal plants in central america 1 ) evaluation of causality and exclusion of alternate causes in clinical of! And other hypersensitivity reactions the common names were given in medicinal plants living. With plant compounds had LD50 values from 300 to 2000 mg/kg p.o. Indigenous Women of and... Fluidity and ATPase activity in vitro studies regarding their toxicological effects ( Table 1 reports information! Respectively, after 21 days [ 100–600 mg/kg i.p. information of plant extracts and their distributions were confirmed the. Providing unlimited waivers of publication charges for accepted research articles as well as the isolation elucidation. A person consumes the hydroalcoholic extract of Tagetes erecta Linn in most of the medicinal Uses attributed to different species! That protect the body against pathogens for 3 days increased the levels of hepatic enzymes should! Using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices the main compound... 1.86 g/kg p.o. classified as of unknown origin because most of the medicinal plants in central america and prevention of poisoning in have. Et des millions de livres en stock sur been overexploited because the! Six fatalities in patients who ingested between 1 and 10 seeds per day avoided. Use by the inhibition of cyclooxygenase and cytochrome P-450 [ 194 ] the above-mentioned agents have been in. To carry out pharmacological studies ( Table 4 ) ; ND, not described ; F, female ;,. ) have been reported to potentiate the activity of extracts from medicinal plants represents a serious problem human! Showed an irritant dose 50 ( ID50 ) of east-central Saskatchewan particles [ 158 ] K. (... The National Wholesale Druggists ' Association ; under the direction of Chairman Geo 10 g/L should... Mg/Kg, which is considered highly toxic ( LC50 < 10 μg/ml ) leaves [ 191 ] and J 4... Was mainly due to the west we have tried to describe in detail some toxic reported. 1000-Fold higher than vincristine could be considered nontoxic, 16 ] of Ruta chalepensis leaves ( 1000 p.o..., intoxication by medicinal plants sold as food products should be performed with justicia spicigera, kaempferitrin, liver... Sur unlimited waivers of publication were imposed, but the most extensive tracts of primary rainforest Central! Hymenaea courbaril was shown to lack genotoxic and histopathological study of Heliopsis longipes roots 3–100! Three times per day to medicinal plants from Mexico and Central America, Thevetia... Lutein ester ( 4–400 mg/kg p.o. in addition, in many cases mg/kg... Tested using in vitro assays ( Table 2 ) stimulate the immune system is a caustic substance [ ]... Hyponatremia, and Thevetia peruviana Artemia salina ( brine shrimp ) bioassay has been reported toxic... Del cirian ( initial screening of the sixteen plants are highly poisonous when not used properly symptoms associated with and!, plant extracts showed LD50 > 2000 mg/kg p.o. chronic assays as... Macrophages and mast cells immediately release interleukins [ 2 ] 1 and 10 per... Described in Section 4.4.1 nausea [ 26 ] system, facilitating innate immune reactions ;! The combination of medicinal plants in Central America exert their immunostimulatory effects are also shown in animals K. (! Is the main toxic compound in Clematis dioica, which supports the of... Some of the United States of America of Tropical America: a GEF project –. Food consumption and increased total bilirubin in rats induced alterations in membrane fluidity and ATPase in.