Add to this gorgeous weather, a vibrant culture, delectable cuisine (including Brazilian BBQ), and you’ve got the makings of an unforgettable family vacation. /* sci facts 728 */ While the Amazon Rainforest is mainly made up of plants and animals, there are some people that call this beautiful place home. In fact, an estimated 70% of the plants used in cancer treatments are only found in rainforests. 2. Travelers should care about amazon rainforest weather because. Also, when it rains, it takes 10 minutes for the water to go through the leaves and hit the ground. Latin American forests are home to black howler monkeys, whose calls can be heard almost 5km away! Please choose your location from the nearest places to : Suggested places. These rainforest worksheets have been created or selected for their high quality of design and ability to appeal when teaching and learning about rainforests. The forest of Amazon, known as Amazonia is called the ‘lungs of the earth’ as it produces 20% of the total oxygen in the world. Rainy season tends to occur during March through to July, with the subsequent seasons until December being extremely changeable. Along the way they will develop their skills by creating reports, creating their own rainforests, and becoming David Attenborough! The Amazon rainforest covers an immense 2.6 million square miles in the Amazon Basin. This stunning forest gives the Earth a ton of its oxygen and we want to protect it the best that we can. 9. Enjoy our awesome range of Earth facts for kids. And now for the weather! The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical rainforest. Don't blame dry weather, say environmentalists. The pack will teach children all about the people, animals and plants that live in the rainforest and threats which they are facing. //-->, Science Kids ©  |  Home  |  About  |  Topics  |  Experiments  |  Games  |  Facts  |  Quizzes  |  Projects  |  Lessons  |  Images  |  Videos  |  Privacy  |  Sitemap  |  Updated: Apr 11, 2020. The warm, wet climate encourages lots of large green plants to grow. The Amazon rainforest spans 9 countries and over 5.5 million square kilometres. * Its average temperature is 27 degrees. It has been suggested that in the Amazon, 30 – 50 % deforestation would be the tipping point for a complete change in state of the system.. Over the last 40 years, 20% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed 2. Well, you’re about to find out thanks to these 14 interesting facts about the Amazon Rainforest… The Amazon is thought to be more than 55 million years old! It is the world’s richest and most-varied biological reservoir, containing several million species. Rainforest weather - Duration: 1:51. consuelo1909 8,874 views. Search for a place, autocomplete also includes a 'Use my location' option and your recent locations Search. Brazil is the place where the most acclaimed Amazon rainforest is located. The Amazon rainforest has been identified as a region with a high likelihood for future zoonotic disease emergence. Well, you’re about to find out thanks to these 14 interesting facts about the Amazon Rainforest… The Amazon is thought to be more than 55 million years old! France threatened to block a trade deal and Norway and Germany halted donations to protect the rainforest. Tropical rainforests are very hot, humid and wet. Use my current location. The lesson will begin with a question posed by the teacher: Do all people living in Brazil want to migrate/live in the urbanised areas? Have a look at these Amazon Rainforest KS2 Colouring Pages or these Amazon Rainforest Layers Display Posters. Over half of the Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil but it is also located in other South American countries including Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Bolivia, Suriname and French Guiana. * As a result of being a tropical rainforest, the Amazon's weather and climate is very hot, humid and damp. ), Christmas Facts For Kids (Fun & Festive!). The Amazon is always humid with generous amounts of rain occurring year-round. Some common animals that live in the rainforest are jaguars, howler monkeys, sloths, anacondas, alligators, and apes. The Amazon Rainforest is often called “The Lungs of the Earth” because it produces over 20% of the world’s oxygen supply thanks to all of its trees. Find other lesson plans and resources at Lost LeBlanc Recommended for you. Communism vs Socialism – What’s The Difference. The Amazon is one of the true wonders of the natural world, but how much do you really know about it? Amazon rainforest - Rainforest - rainforest wordsearch - Amazon Adventure - Rainforest Q - Rainforest Animals - rainforest layer wordsearch google_ad_height = 600; To help answer some of the questions we receive we produced a school booklet and teachers guide designed with the KS2 National Curriculum in mind. Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur All Rights Reserved. 8. The Amazon rainforest reaches over many countries, but most of it is in Brazil. It is also home to vines, moss, and ferns. google_ad_client = "pub-4643150179421087"; Children find out more about the climate in rainforest regions before creating their own weather symbols as props for their own weather forecast at the world map. The Amazon forests are magnificent, rich, and diverse, helping to provide the oxygen that we need to breathe and live. The previous link describes the average Amazon rainforest average temperatures. Insets: (a) dark shading shows the spatial extent of the Brazilian Amazon within Brazil, including the state boundaries; (b) frequency distribution of timber values (US$/ha) in the Brazilian Amazon, calculated over 151,073,784 equal-area grid squares of area 0.25 sq km. Preview . The most famous rainforest being the Amazon, in Brazil. You DO NOT want to fall in this lake - AMAZON RAINFOREST - Duration: 12:20. Go to Youtube website (video clip of a tribe in the Amazon Rainforest) Starter. Nearly 40,000 fires are burning in Brazil's Amazon rainforest, the latest outbreak in an overactive fire season. These are complete Amazon rainforest packages from ActionAid for Key Stages 1 and 2. Many types of plants have adapted to give off poisonous toxins if an animal should come to close, using it to protect themselves from danger. Tony the Tiger Fun Facts (He’s Grrrrreat! Weather in the Amazon The Amazon Rainforest is characterized by rain, heat and more rain and heat, providing the perfect environment for plants and wildlife! The Amazon is found in South America, spanning across Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and … Brazil boasts more than 50 percent of Amazonia. Tropical rainforests are often considered to be the “cradles of biodiversity.” Though they cover only about 6% of the Earth’s land surface, they are home to over 50% of global biodiversity. Preliminary statistics indicate Amazon deforestation has risen by 70 percent this year. That is one set of teeth I’m sure the dentist doesn’t want to see! October 02, 2012 | Trip Inspiration Amazon Rain.