Harvest mid-late July. Harvest the fruit on modern varieties such as the ‘Ben Sarek’, ‘Ben Hope’, ‘Ben Lomond’ and ‘Ben Connan’ by cutting the strigs (bunches of fruit) as they turn black. It was first released for sale in 1988 making it a relatively new variety. This content is restricted to IBA members. These cuttings can be bought from grower recommended nurserymen such as William Price in Somerset, Welsh Fruit Stocks on the Powys Welsh … When planting, place a crock (small piece of broken concrete, clay pots, or polystyrene) over the pot's drainage hole. Read more; Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Ben Sarek £ 6.00. size plants February through mid-April; 1 gl and larger plants are available for pick up February through mid-November If planting in the dormant season, prune back all shoots to 2.5cm (1in). A Scottish bred blackcurrant, very heavy cropper and excellent flavour. This variety is protected by Plant Variety Rights in the UK, Denmark, Poland and the Netherlands. Mary Berry suggests replacing the blackberries with blackcurrants in this fruit-based dessert. Parentage: Westra x (238/36 x EM21/15) Flowering: 2 days after Ben Lomond. More View. Made using British blackcurrants, our Ben Hope Blackcurrant Preserve is bursting with a rich and tarty fruitiness. The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. One year old organic plants from certified stock. Plant about 1.5 (5′) apart. RIBES nigrum BLACKCURRANT Ben Hope Bred by the Scottish Crop Research Institute, Ben Hope is a vigorous and upright-growing bush variety producing consistently high yields of medium sized currants with good sensory qualities. Planting is usually done in th… It grows tall, so is best suited to a sheltered site. If you've planted a containerised plant in the growing season, don't hard prune. Always buy certified stock to avoid virus problems. info@blackcurrant-iba.com Made with much more fruit and less sugar than a traditional jam. Prune blackcurrants when dormant – from late autumn to late winter. 225g. Blackcurrant 'Ben Hope' A mid-season blackcurrant which bears heavy crops of medium sized berries of good flavour. International Blackcurrant Association The bush is tall, upright and vigorous. Variety or Cultivar 'Ben Hope' _ 'Ben Hope' is a blackcurrant for culinary or dessert use. The mildew may also appear on fruit, causing problems with ripening. Vigorous tall plants are very upright, making them easier to pick. More Info. The currants are high in quality and hang on long strigs. Repot container-grown blackcurrants every two or three years in late winter. If you are an existing user, please log in. However … New. Fruit quality. Four treatments were evaluated: provision of (1) Bombus terrestris bombus terrestris Subject Category: Organism Names In late winter, feed with a balanced fertiliser (like Growmore) at 100g per sq m (4oz per sq yd) and place a mulch (such as well-rotted manure or mushroom compost) around the plants to suppress weeds. One mite-resistant cultivar, ‘Ben Hope’, is available. Blackcurrant gall midge: Tiny, white maggots feed on the shoot tips of blackcurrants and prevent leaves from reaching their full size. Deep planting encourages young, vigorous shoots to develop from the base. There is no chemical control. IBA blackcurrant cultivar collection, with main information on plant and fruit specifics, breeding center and more. BEN HOPE The most commonly grown blackcurrant variety by UK gardeners and with very good reasons. Ribes nigrum 'Ben Hope' This ‘big bud’ resistant blackcurrant is particularly suitable for organic gardeners. 222879/SC038262. But beware that removing too many leaves will impact on the crop yield. Price: (2 or fewer items) … £6.99. Use a good-quality compost (John Innes No 3 is ideal), or multi-purpose compost mixed with one-third by volume of grit. A vigorous grower that needs a sheltered site. Blackcurrant breeding at the James Hutton Institute began in 1956 and the programme has developed to become one of the world’s largest for Ribes, with the 'Ben' series of cultivars now grown commercially worldwide. 5 reviews. Birds: Birds, especially pigeons, can cause an array of problems including eating seedlings, buds, leaves, fruit and vegetables. Capsid bugs: These green insects suck the sap … You will receive with a shelf life of at least 1 year. Water blackcurrants during dry periods in the growing season. Blackcurrant 'Ben Hope' Blackcurrant 'Ben Hope' Ribes nigrum. Blackcurrant varieties Click on the link to view details on: Ben Alder; Ben Avon; Ben Connan; Ben Dorain; Ben Gairn; Ben Hope; Ben Loyal; Ben Tirran; Big Ben; Ben Hope Protected by Plant Variety Rights in the UK, Denmark, Poland and the Netherlands. Order Online Order By Phone Quick Overview. High yields of large currants are borne on short strigs. Pot back into the same container or one slightly larger. You will see blackcurrants for sale in two forms: bare-root stock (as the name suggests, the roots are exposed when you purchase these plants) or in containers. In Stock. ‘Ben Sarek’ produces large berries. Add a balanced fertiliser (like Growmore) at the rate of 85g per sq m (3oz per sq yd). 1 x Plant in 5 Litre Container £12.00 each. More Info. Remedy: The affected buds of lightly infested plants can be picked off during the winter and disposed of away from blackcurrant plants. High yields and good disease resistance. We would recommend that you chose ‘Ben Hope’ for best disease resistance. Pre Order For Dispatch In Early February. Older types of blackcurrant varieties ripen at different times, with the currants at the top of the strig ripening first. Once open refrigerate and enjoy within 4 weeks.Ingredients: Blackcurrants, Sugar, Lemon JuicePrepared with 58g fruit per 100g, total sugars 49g per 100g Black fruit grows from insignificant pale green flowers. £7.99. Read more; Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Ben Lomond £ 6.00. out of stock. Wishlist. Pre Order For Dispatch In Early February. Blackcurrant Ben Hope. The bush is vigorous and tall and is therefore best planted in a sheltered site. Freshly lifted, top quality, bare-root plants in prime … Ben hope is one of the most popular blackcurrant varieties in UK gardens. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Medium-large berry, usually over 1g, with good sensory qualities. Ben Hope is a vigorous and upright-growing bush, showing high rates of growth in its early stages. Blackcurrant Ben Lomond. In year four, cut out about one-third of the older wood at the base, using a pair of loppers or a pruning saw. They prefer damp, fertile but not waterlogged ground and are intolerant of drought. Plant a little deeper than on the nursery to encourage branching from below soil level. Blackcurrants tolerate a wide range of soil conditions, but prefer well-drained, moisture-retentive sites. Shoot tips can also die back. 1 rue Charles Lacretelle Avoid hoeing near the base of bushes because the hoe might cut through new shoots developing at the base. One bush should yield about 4.5kg (10lb) of fruit. 5 Available. Grow as stoolbed bushes where the branching arises from soil level. The berries are large with good flavour. Liquid feed in the summer months. ‘Ben Connan’ AGM:This compact plant is suitable for a small garden. ‘Ben Hope’: Fairly vigorous with upright habit. 020 3176 5800 This will encourage and make room for younger, healthy wood. Blackcurrants are easy to grow, producing bunches of dark purple berries in mid-summer, rich in vitamin C. With their tart flavour they can be made into pies and jams, cordials and even cassis. Blackcurrants can grow well on sandy or heavy loams, or forest soils, as long as their nutrient requirements are met. Ben Hope £7.50 Categories: Blackcurrant, Fruit Bushes A very high yielding variety, producing medium sized berries on long strigs. An exceptionally high yielding variety, producing medium-sized berries on long strigs, and it is probably the best flavoured fruit of all our blackcurrant varieties. Resistant to Big Bud, mildew, gall midge, and leaf spot. times, RHS Registered Charity no. Containerised plants can be planted all year round. This Blackcurrant Bush Is Tall, Upright And Vigorous And Produces Heavy Crops Of Medium Sized, Outstanding Quality Berries On Long Strigs That Ripen Mid July.blackcurrants […] £6.99. New HCL 5 blade unit attached to old pruner frame. The best time to plant is in the dormant season, November to March, but avoid periods when the soil is frozen or very wet. Ben Connan are available as organic plants, the other varieties are available as non organic plants. Scarecrows and bird-scaring mechanisms work for a while, but the most reliable method of protection is to cover plants with horticultural fleece or mesh. Bred In The U.k. Blackcurrant Ben Hope Has A High Resistance To The Big Bud Mite, Rust, Mildew And Leaf Spot Making This Variety Particularly Suitable For Bio-friendly Amateur Gardeners. It has resistance to mildew, frost, and gall midge. In Stock. The affected leaves dry up and die. It offers resistance to mildew and frost. This will encourage shoot development, although you will sacrifice the first year's fruit. Online Catalogue | Blackcurrant Bushes | *Ben Hope - *Ben Hope - Organic. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Join the RHS today and support our charitable work, Keep track of your plants with reminders & care tips – all to help you grow successfully, For the latest on RHS Shows in 2020 and 2021, read more, RHS members get free access to RHS Gardens, Free entry to RHS members at selected times », Reduced prices on RHS Garden courses and workshops, Our Garden Centres and online shops are packed with unique and thoughtful gifts and decorations to make your Christmas sparkle, General enquiries Trim back some of the roots and tease away the old soil replacing it with fresh John Innes No 3 compost. The blackcurrants ‘Ben Connan’ and ‘Ben Sarek’ are resistant to blackcurrant gall midge. Main lift, side boom lift and pruner angle adjustment all done hydraulically. Prepared with 58g fruit per 100g, total sugars 49g per … Variety: BEN HOPE CALL. Remedy: The affected buds of lightly infested plants can be picked off during the winter and disposed of away from blackcurrant plants. The fruit should therefore be picked individually. The Ben Hope is actually an excellent producing black currant variety, which is energetic and also taller, developed in the Scottish Crop Research Institute. Remedy: Cut out any infected stems or leaves you see straight away and destroy. Blackcurrant 'Ben Sarek' A early season, small, compact bush which only grows to 90-120cm tall. Ben hope provides heavy, reliable crops of medium sized berries and the fruit itself is of great quality, ripening slightly later than other varieties.The flavour of this black currant is sweet and flavoursome and considered by many to be the best tasting variety of them all. Growth Habit. Ben Hope *new* Blackcurrant Bushes Bred by Scottish Crop Research A new late season variety ripening 10 days after Ben Lomond, very high yields of medium sized berries, the flavour is excellent with a real blackcurrant aroma, In addition Ben... From £8.95 Details & Buy Online » Blackcurrant gall midge: Tiny, white maggots feed on the shoot tips of blackcurrants, preventing leaves from reaching their full size; affected leaves dry up and die. Big bud mite: These mites infest the buds of blackcurrant bushes. Has … Blackcurrant Ben Sarek. Ben Sarek' Blackcurrant Bush | Bare Root [TR0597] Ben Sarek' Blackcurrant Bush | Bare Root. Made using British blackcurrants, our Ben Hope Blackcurrant Preserve is bursting with a rich and tarty fruitiness. 'Low input' raspberry plants are not certified organic but are grown with minimal non-organic inputs. Have regular interesting information on the wonderful potential of our little black currant! Although the bushes are winter hardy, frosts during the flowering period may adversely affect the yield and cold winds may restrict the number of flying insects visiting and pollinating the flowers. Set each plant at least 6cm (2.25in) deeper than it was previously. CALL. ‘Ben Hope’ is a resistant cultivar. Dig a hole at least twice the diameter of the root ball, and spread the roots out when planting. Up to and including the fourth year after planting, remove weak, wispy shoots, retaining a basic structure of 6 to 10 healthy shoots. Remedy: Protect the plants from birds by covering them with netting or fleece. You will receive with a shelf life of at least 1 year. Ingredients: Blackcurrants, Sugar, Lemon Juice. Cultivars such as ‘Ben Connan’ and ‘Ben Sarek’ are resistant to blackcurrant gall midge. ‘Ben Sarek’ AGM:A good choice for the small garden as this is a compact, high-yielding bush growing only to about 1.2m (4ft) high. Alternatively, they can be frozen, cooked, or made into smoothies, jam or jelly. Bred by the Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI), the Ben Hope produces consistently high yields of medium sized currants with good sensory qualities. RHS Garden Hyde Hall Spring and Orchid Show, Free entry to RHS members at selected Regarded as by many people to be the very best tasting fruit of all our types, it displays excellent resistant against the foliar illnesses and it has an excellent ability to resist … Currant and Gooseberry Notes We ship 1 gl. Productivity: … After planting reduce branching to a couple of buds above soil level. It is also resistant to mildew and leaf spot. View all Blackcurrants at the RHS Plants Shop. Although young blackcurrant bushes are easily available it is effortless to grow blackcurrant bushes from simple 8″ cuttings (twigs of blackcurrant bushes). The … 49070 Beaucouzè - France, © 2015-2020 blackcurrant-iba.com all rights reserved. Read more; Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Ben Nevis £ 6.00. out of stock. Ben Hope' Blackcurrant Bush | Bare Root [TR0596] Ben Hope' Blackcurrant Bush | Bare Root. Ben Hope is just the thing for organic gardeners as its disease resistance can eliminate the need for spraying. A preliminary field trial was set up at East Malling Research, UK in 2010 in which bees were contained in 12×1.5 m insect mesh tunnels over cultivated blackcurrant bushes (Ben Hope and Ben Gairn). This mildew is worse if bushes are planted close together giving poor air circulation, so space bushes out when planting. We love it in porridge! More Info. ‘Ben Hope’ is a resistant cultivar. Cropping season: Harvest is usually 10 days later than Ben Lomond. Also remove weak shoots and low ones leaning towards the ground. They prefer full sun, but will tolerate light shade. Availability: In stock. Read more; Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Ben More £ 6.00. out of stock. A black currant from Scotland, much planted in the UK. If growing in a container, choose one that is 45-50cm (18-20in) in diameter. Firm in well before watering. Dispose of heavily infested plants after the fruit has been picked and replant in autumn with clean new stock. A particularly good variety for the small garden having neat, compact bushes about 3ft high which are strong growing and frost resistant. High yields of medium sized berries with a very good flavour. It has good disease resistance especially to big bud mite with affects other currant varieties. CALL. 1 x Root Wrapped Plant £7.50 each. Purchase certified stock plants, as these will have been inspected on the nursery and certified as being free of big bud mite and reversion. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Ben Sarek … Blackcurrant Plant (Organic) - Ben Hope. Mark the plants well because little will be visible initially. Mon – Fri | 9am – 5pm, Join the RHS today and support our charity. A pHof about 6 is ideal for blackcurrants and the ground can be limed if the soil is too acidic. Blackcurrant; Ben Hope Yields of Ben Hope are consistently high and fruit is acceptable for commercial production. New users may register below. Before planting, clear the soil of all perennial weeds and add generous amount of well-rotted manure. It is one of the best flavoured varieties, exceptionally heavy yielding and also resistant to mildew, leaf spot and rust. Made with much more fruit and less sugar than a traditional jam. We love it in porridge! Shoot tips can also die back. According to wind conditions, the Ben Hope may need a protected site. Nigel Slater's stewed blackcurrants make a decadent summer dessert with cream and yoghurt. Annually top dress with fresh compost and a general purpose feed such as Growmore. Very high yielding, the large fruit is easily … Gooseberry mildew: This mildew causes a powdery grey and white fungus on leaves and stems. It is resistant to mildew, leaf spot, and gall midge. ‘Ben Hope’ is a resistant cultivar. Eat fresh blackcurrants within a few days of harvesting. Good reliable cropping. It shows good resistance against most foliar diseases, and is a Gall Mite-Big Bud-Reversion resistant variety. It has top class resistance to big bud mite (gall mite) which affects many other types. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) Ben Hope 2L pot £ 6.00. out of stock. Blackcurrants can be grown in containers. Bred by Scottish Crop Research A new late season variety ripening 10 days after Ben Lomond, very high yields of medium sized berries, the flavour is excellent with a real blackcurrant aroma, In addition Ben Hope is a very good grower, rather vigorous but upright in habit and easy to manage, it is resistant to mildew, leaf spot and gall midge. Remedy: In minor cases you can pick off the infested leaves (you will be able to see the white maggots with the naked eye). https://kenmuir.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=672 ‘Ben Lomond’ AGM:An upright blackcurrant with some frost resistance because of its late flowering. Ben Tirran' Blackcurrant Bush | Bare Root [TR0598] Ben Tirran' Blackcurrant Bush | Bare Root … Once open refrigerate and enjoy within 4 weeks. Good disease resistance too. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place. Product Details; Delivery; Frequently Asked Questions (Mid) One of the best tasting. There is no cure available to the home gardener. Shows resistant to mildew, leaf spot and gall midge. They fruit best on younger wood, so when pruning aim to remove older wood, leaving the younger branches. ‘Ben Hope:An excellent grower with heavy yields of medium-sized, delicious currants. 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