If this is your first time buying a used car from Japan, We suggest that you first check with your local agent regarding the import tax and regulations. They have a large choice of camera equipment, and back each item with a 365 day warranty. If it works, sell it. In closing, be careful and thoughtful before you buy your expensive gear. It’s also a haven for collectors with a … But I believe the threshold for import duties is usually $800. You can Google US import fees to find out for sure. We get it, at BorrowLenses, we’re photographers and videographers too! One was out of my price range, but the other was exactly what I was looking for. When you enter you will see Store Guide leaflets by the lift. Edion AKIBA is a leading branch of the giant electronics store Edion which owns about … The staff member got out a couple of compacts I requested to look at. Shop Used We are one of the only stores in Canada still buying used cameras and accepting trade-ins anymore! You usually need to clear your goods through Customs when they are delivered to you from outside the EU. You must have your passport to hand.) Japan Auctions and other online Japanese stores. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. This shop carries a smaller collection of DLSRs but specialises in 35mm cameras. One point to note is that (assuming you don’t speak Japanese) when you first ask if a staff member speaks English you may get a modest response of “a little” or “not really” I found that often this meant that they were actually pretty conversant in the language regarding cameras. Working at a camera store myself, I work with a lot of used equipment and have to buy items in almost every day. Can anyone tell me if I am going to incur any customs charges on a shipment from Japan? Sanpou is on the left about a 10 minute walk away. Meet other eBay community members who share your passions. I currently have a number of high quality items available for sale, please feel free to contact me with any questions and for pictures. JCT does not charge any commission, transaction fee or any hidden cost from buyer or exporter. Cruise the eBay listings to get the best deal. TRENDING: Film Review: Tasma T-42 400. I am semi-sort-of considering purchasing a used camera lens from a seller in Japan. There are “overseas models” available but the prices are typically marked up. The staff member was friendly, helpful, and even offered to put the camera on hold for me for a week so I could come back with my passport and claim the tax deduction. The customs duty calculator will guide you through the steps to take in clearing your goods. As for this whole "don't buy from international sellers" business, I'd take that with a huge grain of salt. Thanks a lot for the response! The labelling here is all in Japanese, but the staff is also accustomed to the A/AB system mentioned above. Before you order goods online, you should find out the amount of customs duty and value added tax. Knowing that the resale value will be preserved, Japanese users tend to take exceptionally good care of their kit. I’ve found it super easy to use and Sanpou did an excellent job of listening to my needs and finding me a good match. Go in and play with the future and even pick up a new camera … Shop the latest used photography equipment at Adorama. Camera sales, Japanese cameras, camera geekery and photography talk. JapaneseCarTrade.com (JCT) the most trusted & free Japan used vehicle portal that connects overseas buyers to Japan used vehicle exporters. There are up to 6 categories employed: Like New (A) perfect condition, no signs of wear; Very Good (AB) limited use, works perfectly; Good (B) Some wear, works perfectly; Acceptable - fairly worn, works perfectly; Bad – does not work perfectly or has been damaged; and Junk - unusable. We always carry more than 600 items that are rare and in excellent condition. View our privacy policy before signing up. I purchased a lens from a seller in South Africa a year or so ago. I know I have purchased items that cost more than $400 from Japan and not had to pay any customs charges. you will get a reduced warranty period from the shop - most likely just a week. The easiest way to find the exact camera you’re looking … Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. And browse by Used Cameras, Lenses, Video Equipment, Lens Filters & more. All deals are directly between buyers & exporters that's saves your hard earned money from 10% ~ 50% of car cost. I purchased a lens from a seller in South Africa a year or so ago. Knowing that the resale value will be preserved, Japanese users tend to take exceptionally good care of their kit. List of used vehicles TOYOTA for sale. They also have regular second hand DLSRs and some more unusual lens. It’s also a haven for collectors with a smorgasbord of classic kit to be found. To find the best deals on eBay in the pro or prosumer camera body category, look for cameras that are a generation or two old, in the 3-12 megapixel range, models from Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Minolta, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung or Sigma. New cameras, lenses and camera equipment don’t stay new for very long. I paid $550 including an 8GB WiFi memory card. Some stuff talking about it's cheaper because it cuts out a "middle man" No. The banjo-playing robot from Japan’s famous toy maker May-Wa Denki will keep you coming back from more. Grab one. The staff I spoke to spoke English and you can also check out their website (Japanese only) to see what they have in stock. So do just as you would with a US seller -- read the feedback closely and evaluate the seller on his or her merits. I recently needed to purchase a camera in Tokyo and having familiarised myself with the system decided that second-hand was the way to go. In your bag No: 1695 – Greg Turner. This shop had a reasonable selection of cameras, both digital and film, and the staff had limited English. It's not a tremendous amount of money - less than $400. I haven't found much on the topic. The stock they sell is bought from photographers, and KEH put it through a quality check before listing it. As the Maserati or BMW of laptops, it would fit perfectly in the hands of a professional needing firepower under the hood, sophistication and class on the surface, and gaming prowess (sports mode if you will) in between. If you’re looking for something specific you can always go online first and check what they have in stock to avoid a wasted trip. Tokyo has an association of used camera shops called I.C.S. Buy here best quality, low price used cars from Japan. Camera Geekery: Moon Labs Tiny Flash. I also had another couple of considerations: I wanted something suitable for work, that was not too bulky and it had to be light. (Imported Camera Society) and you can view a Japanese list of member shops with maps. Map Camera1-12-5 Nishi-Shinjuku10.30am -8.30pmClosest Station: Shinjuku (JR line). To be very honest with you, I wouldn't be buying any used camera lenses from international Sellers. Some cameras come with a lens or in a box set. The latest business news, reviews, features and whitepapers, Watch our video news and reviews from around the world, Comprehensive buying guides, features, and step-by-step articles. Don’t forget to check out the owner’s private collection of cameras and paraphernalia to the left of the counter too. However I was really impressed when they cheerfully accepted my guidance to check it using the Nikon site. I was surprised that when I asked about the shutter count on a Nikon D330 they said they weren’t sure how to check. ABN 14 001 592 650. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of IDG Communications is prohibited. Affiliate Link Policy, Advertise with us Take the west exit from the station walk straight out and turn right onto the main road. Add on to this the grading system used by the camera shops and you are looking at an enjoyable experience with few surprises. Or how about a pair of banana-shaped earbuds? Japan is known as the world-leading high-tech country producing cutting edge products … Alps-DoShinjuku Terminal Bldg. I have also had nothing but good transactions with sellers from the UK and Australia. AudioCubes features everything from cutesy headphones to analog cameras. We buy used photo equipment every day. Considering that it was boxed and A class this seemed like a fair deal. Akihabara Camera Shops. They have a breakdown of how the price tag/gradings work in English. Just my opinion, nothing against buying overseas. It really doesn’t get more “gaming laptop” than this. As the shops listed here are well-established you can trust that the descriptions provided by them are accurate. It is $800. The system is very clear. I know they are quite safe to ship to (I will even do items valued up to $100 to Japan First Class International despite Japan not being on the E-DELCON list). One note of caution, some of the local models don’t have an international OS, so make sure you check before you take the plunge. Cash for Cameras. Used Cameras, Used Camera Lenses, & Used Camera Equipment for Sale. I just didn't want to find myself getting whacked with a hundred dollars in customs charges. Map Camera boasts 4 floors dedicated to cameras, lens and other equipment. Besides these brick and mortar stores, we can buy used camera equipment online at Yahoo Japan Auctions. Things such as lenses and camera bodies are typically not worth it because if you buy the Japanese models, they will not come with any warranty once you go home. Keep the following questions in mind before you buy something from a foreign source. When Dan's buys your old gear we'll give you cash on the spot, or you can opt for Dan's store credit. The Nikon D3300 with an 18-55 VRII kit. For the beginner photographer, we offer convenient, easy-to-use compact digital cameras from well-known brands like Canon, Nikon, and Leica. Cameras and lenses for Sale. Ask about our Mack Warranty for used equipment. As Japanese sizes are different from many of the other global sizes, it’s essential that you know which ones you need. JAPAN Audiocubes. Even as a relative novice I found staff were helpful, the shops well laid out and the kit on offer was fascinating. Shipping is free for orders over US$200. If it doesn't work, quadruple the price and sell it as an antique. We sell used digital and film cameras, accessories, lighting and more! So might as well buy a used camera on Ebay to really save bucks. Give support, share information, and connect with fellow members. It’s better to invest in new lenses that can stay with you over time because a lens can make or break a good photo. Found a thread asking if there was a way to tell "grey market" apart from USA. Checklist. When I got it home I ran a check on it and discovered that it had a shutter count of just 27. One thing to note is that if you take advantage of the on-the-spot tax reduction (currently 8%, set to rise to 10% in April 2017. 1st flooor, Shinjuku 3-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 160-0022Phone: (03) 3352-6337Fax: (03) 3352-6171Closest Station: Shinjuku (JR line). Map Camera has an English speaking assistant available on every floor and I found them to pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful. Buy & sell used cameras, lenses, gear, & other photography equipment at KEH Camera's online store. You can also trade in your old kit at all of these shops too. Then again, some eastern European former Soviet republics do make me a little nervous. Buy refurbished/used.” That’s very true. As such, plenty of international shoppers are buying Japanese fashion online- at places like Yahoo! Do note that this shop does not offer the tax discount. All in all I enjoyed the experience of looking for and buying the camera. I paid the seller something like $25 in shipping costs … Major credit cards and PayPal are accepted. MiyamaShinjuku Central Exit Building 1F, 3-32-8 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-kuTEL: 03-3356-1841 (Representative)FAX: 03-3356-1848Closest Station: Shinjuku (JR line). While Japan is certainly no cheap place to buy electronics there are a couple of reasons why you might want to consider purchasing photography equipment while visiting Tokyo, not least of which is the sheer organisation of the second hand market alongside tax free shopping for visitors. The last one seems odd, but is for people wanting to pick up parts or props. I am semi-sort-of considering purchasing a used camera lens from a seller in Japan. www.audiocubes.com. One great thing about buying a camera from Japan is that most stores will allow you to bring in your own memory card to the store, take some pictures with the cameras you are interested in, and then check the pictures out on your computer. The equipment is kept in glass cabinets, but the staff are happy to get them out and allow you to play around and examine them upon request. I would only buy within the USA. But I've had quite a few dealings with Japanese sellers, most of them high-dollar. Janpara is a used electronics chain store, with several of its … {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Now there may be brokerage fees charged by the carrier depending which carrier is used. Used Digital Cameras KEH’s selection of used digital cameras offers something for everyone. Sanpou CameraMeguro Honcho 2-5-5, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, JAPANPhone: (03) 3793-2273Nearest station: Musashi-Koyama (Tokyo Subway). Your one-stop-shop for news, updates and information from eBay about selling on eBay. I used Nikon here in this example, but it could be Canon, Sony, Sigma or any other camera / lens manufacturer. He listened to what I needed, gently suggested I needed to go the DLSR route and then recommended two different cameras. Sunrise camera is one of the biggest exporter of used cameras, lenses, and accessories. TRUST-JapaneseVehicles.com In all my years selling here over various accounts and other sites, I have never ever had any problems dealing with Japan, and back in the early days, I sold a lot to Japanese customers. Ultimately this laptop has achieved everything I would hope for in a laptop for work, while fitting that into a form factor and weight that is remarkable. Save up to 40% off retail price & get a 180-day warranty. Sony 4K HDR Bravia 2016 versus LG 4K HDR OLED 2016, 10 Blu-ray movies / Best looking Blu-ray movies, Cloud services and licence support growth bolsters Oracle earnings, Blackmores invests in test-and-learn to lift ecommerce growth. The prices may be a shade higher than some other shops but the central location and the service does make this a solid choice. There’s only one floor here, but there is a reasonable selection. The MSI PS63 is an amazing laptop and I would definitely consider buying one in the future. And they have all been perfect. However, if you’re only on a short visit it’s unlikely you would use the warranty outside of this time anyway. And let’s face it, sometimes it makes more sent to buy equipment that fits your budget. Brownie points just for being nice and flexible. Unlike the other options in our list, KEH focus on selling (and buying) used camera equipment almost exclusively. Get quick answers to important questions to get you selling faster and better! I take great care to give accurate descriptions and I make sure that everything I sell is in full working condition. Its polycarbonate body makes it super light and it’s small for a DLSR. The output of Japanese electrical outlets is 100 V, which is lower than a fair amount of other countries, which means that even if you have the right plug, you might still need a voltage converter.Recent smartphones, digital cameras, and computers are built to overseas standards and automatically adjust to the different voltage, so there's also the possibility that you might not need a converter. You won’t have a factory warranty and your camera settings might be in Arabic or Chinese. The owner speaks limited English, but certainly enough for the purpose. Privacy Policy The prices are generally lower than some of the other shops too and I found their service responsive and efficient. 10- 7pm on weekends and holidaysClosest Station: Iwamoto (Toei Shinjuku Line) Akhibara (Tokyo Metro) Akhibara (JR - ten minute walk). I think Japan is one of the safer countries to purchase from when it comes to high value items. I had a budget of around $500, although I was prepared to go a little higher. It’s a single floor affair with a good selection of peripheral kit. Most shops organise their equipment according to the manufacturer and split up the lens and the camera bodies. Used Camera Japan Store 346 followers used_camera_jp ( 539 used_camera_jp's feedback score is 539 ) 100.0% used_camera_jp has 100% Positive Feedback We will sell historical Japanese cameras.I will do my best to respond promptly and politely and to be satisfied. Japan is one of the shopping capitals of the world, and easily the electronics shopping capital of the world. Japanese apparel brands are trending right now with many fashionable styles. It also has a worldwide 12 month warranty on the lens from Nikon. Add on to this the grading system used by the camera shops and you are looking at an enjoyable experience with few surprises. This small mobile printer is exactly what I need for invoicing and other jobs such as sending fellow tradesman details or step-by-step instructions that I can easily print off from my phone or the Web. Copyright 2013 IDG Communications. It probably gets even worse when purchasing from places like eBay. Dig through your closets for that old camera gear that you're not using and cash in! Akihabara. Buying Pre-owned equipment gets you a great value, affordable pricing and can save you a lot of money. It's not a tremendous amount of money - less than $400. Editorial Contacts, Keep up with the latest tech news, reviews and previews by, How to buy a 2nd hand camera in Tokyo, Japan, Japan's pop culture, anime-friendly, J-Pop shrine, Kanda Myojin, Review: Periscope users rejoice with Feiyu’s G4 Plus 3-Axis Gimbal for Smartphone video, The best Japan Robot, gadget and car expo gallery, Roving Rachel does the Panasonic Lumix GH5, Five minutes with Cassandra Keyes: The world’s sexiest photographer, PC World Reader Giveaway - World of Warships PC valued at AU $3138, subscribing to the Good Gear Guide newsletter, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip review: Killer form-factor, lethal price-tag, Garmin Fenix 5 fitness tracker smartwatch review, Microsoft publishes its long-awaited 64-bit emulator for Windows on Arm, ChargeTech Portable Power Outlet AM 27K 4.0 review: Part battery pack, part power station, Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 7 review: Fast and affordable, with discrete graphics, Samsung’s 110-inch MicroLED TV brings The Wall to your living room, Best Antivirus for Windows: Top software for Australia, How the Xbox Series X (and xCloud) saved me from buying a gaming PC, Which flagship TV is best? Hasselblad – A personal reflection. Stores like Yodobashi Camera and Bic Camera are wonderlands for tech nerds, and everyone really. Too many people around here paint all international sellers with the same broad brush. BIC CAMERA which is convenient for shopping in Japan at the station square.The payment by an exemption from taxation, the credit card is OK, too. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. Buying Guide: Which second hand shops, what to look for and what does the grading system mean. We Sell Used. I ended buying my camera in Sanpou Camera. Membership is free, and your security and privacy remain protected. Cool Kathie. All rights reserved. Jesse’s Visual Interviews: Joel Pulliam. Don’t forget your own country’s customs rules. All prices on the labels are tax inclusive. I decided against this and went for a six month warranty on it from the shop instead. They only grade by A – which is anything in the main display cabinets along the side, and B which is in the smaller cabinet to the right of the entrance. Yes, I never pay more than I'm willing to lose when dealing with sellers from China, Hong Kong or India. They stock both new and used digital and film cameras and lens. If merchandise, used or new, is imported into the United States, it must clear CBP and may be subject to the payment of duty as well as to whatever rules and regulations govern the importation of that particular product into the United States. Nissin Camera, AkhiribaraKanda Iwamoto-cho 1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0033Hours: 10 am - 8pm weekdays. The case against buying electronics in Japan. Edion AKIBA. This shop is a little out of the way, but worth it. The threshold for import fees and customs duties is NOT $200. If you’re an enthusiast this tiny shop established in 1930 in Shinjuku has great selection of antique cameras which are worth nipping in to look at alone. I do not have an inherent distrust of foreign sellers. Also, because of our buying channels here in Japan, we can find almost all of camera items if you want. Electronics. If it works well, sell it for more. Share best practices, tips, and insights. So no, you won't have any extra fees if you buy a $350 item from Japan. It’s easy to locate being around 5 minutes away from the Shinjuku JR station. This smart laptop was enjoyable to use and great to work on – creating content was super simple. One drawback is no WiFi, however as the staff member pointed out I could get round that by using a Wifi Memory card. I paid the seller something like $25 in shipping costs and did not incur any customs charges on that transaction (about the same dollar amount). Take exceptionally good care of their kit find myself getting whacked with a hundred dollars customs. Is prohibited through the steps to take exceptionally good care of their kit robot from Japan and had! 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