Hidden within Hinduism are both theistic and semi-theistic schools or philosophies. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. There is also a reference (Manu 3.195) which shows that Viraj had sons. Brahmanaspati filled these (generations of the gods) with breath as a blacksmith (his bellows) in the first age of the gods the existent was born of the non-existent. ", "Contrarily metaphysicians and theologians perceived his form as it manifested in the Upanishads and Puranas….The ‘Advaita’ philosophy also contends that the entire Creation is just the extension of One…. Even though the Linga seems red due to its proximity with the red flower, in actuality it is not red because it seems blue due to an upadhi of a blue flower. After that, one needs to study Nyaya… Thank you for your excellent books and outstanding prices! This red flower is an 'upadhi' for the Linga. However, most research in the modern era was by British rulers whose only aim was to destroy Vedic cultures as declared in all books and Boden Chair in Oxford in 1831. When It assumes the form of the gods (Indra etc), it has a lustrous body made up of light, when It takes on the form of lower creatures like animals etc, it is said to have dark forms, lacking in light. If the driver of a vehicle injures a man, animal or property, he needs to be punished along with the owner of the vehicle…. Why are there too many contradictions in various Hindu scriptures (Vedas, Puranas, Geeta, etc.)? We cannot discard any part of the Vedas. There cannot be any upadhi for the One and Only God without a second. They offered Agni as a sacrifice to Agni [Fire], for they found nothing else to offer; thence indeed these creatures were born; in that he casts the fire on the fire after producing it, (it serves for) the propagation of offspring. It either means that Rohita alone sacrificed Purusha or Rohita was among the gods or Rishis who sacrificed Purusha. Excellent ...must read for all the Sadhakas... Advaitha Vedanta in few lines... this article will help a sadhaka recognise the light called Knowledge(Advaitha) to destroy the darkness called ignorance !!! The unique balance that defined his entire life was pre-determined in this duality….One day, in the palace garden he frightened his attendants…. Take the example of a colorless crystal. But in your concept of saguna Brahman the saguna is not to be attained. ", "Bhishma undoubtedly is one of the central figures of the Mahabharata.…. What is in it except water? Doubt: No, no. However, this is erroneous, because to describe One God we cannot use contradictory statements. Later I found that its uniqueness lies in its riddles, It has so many contradictions. Therefore, after having recognized an object through its upadhi, to know its true nature we have to discard the upadhi. A senior person is the one we should seek good advice from. The Vedas,the Scripture of the Hindus, are accepted as Apaurusheya, not man-made and timeless, are undoubtedly the earliest works of Sanatana Dharma, and the Vedas , especially the Rig Veda is considered to be first literature of Mankind.dated conservatively … beyond limitation or the need for theological or philosophical explanation. ", "Both the Mahabharata and Shrimad Bhagavatam give a vivid description of how things are like in Kaliyuga…. However, this is the world of paradox and contradictions. God has dharma (dharmamaya), God does not have dharma (a-dharmamaya).' If you continue like this you will get indigestion. Blessings for safety and health. The Vedas were the creations of the Aryans and the religious philosophy and values of life propounded by the Vedas were the bedrock of, what is called, the Vedic Age. Draupadi was as forgiving as mother earth herself…. However, what about the attributes 'not gross', 'not subtle', or 'not short' 'nor long'? Kasib has given some very interesting quotes and contradictions but totally misunderstands the Hindu philosophy and the science of hermeneutics. Also Brahman (effulgence), Paramatma (sitting in everyone's heart) and Bhagavan (the Supreme Lord in his sachitanada form) are there. Therefore, when there is no upadhi, then God has no feature whatsoever. So much for the simple lady; but what about the Supreme Vedas? However being essentially Nirguna, nothing can be explained about It. So, the way we can know God, who is the highest and purest layer, is through the OM (AUM) chant, because this sound vibration helps ourselves as consciousness to move to higher and higher levels, until we experience THAT which is verily God, e.g. Thank you. For more than 55 years, American Atheists has fought to protect the absolute separation of religion from government and to elevate atheists and atheism in our nation’s public and political discourse. This is what the scriptures declare again and again. Later he heard her say: "Why are you always playing here and there like an idle dog? If we are traveling, one must find shelter inside a house…. It’s mentioned in Rigved. Essentially methods of research are the same as in modern sciences but are more complete in the context of Vedas. It is estimated that it takes around 12 years for a child to master that. Now this is senseless and as complicated as the saying ”What came first the chicken or the egg?” This is a clear contradiction, because Purusha is unborn they say and from Purusha, Viraj was born. In the first age of the gods the existent was born of the non-existent; after that the quarters (of the horizon) were born, and after them the upward-growing (trees). “Purva-bhaag” deals about karma-kand, Upaasana and rituals while “Uttar-bhaag” also called “Vedant” deals about Knowledge of Brahman. ", "Durga Puja is more than the periodically observed navratra in the subcontinent..The akaal bodhon Durga Puja has evolved into great socio-cultural significance in the Eastern Delta region, and is the lifeblood of Bengalis everywhere...On dashami the next day, one could sense the pall that descends upon the delta...Ma Durga's time in Her girlhood home draws to a close. The Divine includes contradiction in itself as part of the secret ways of creation and its patterns of schismatic partition of what elsewise would simply be the Divine Singularity. The following is a list of features typical to Kaliyuga…. (Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.7), 'God walks and holds without hands or legs, It sees without eyes and hears without ears'. Are There Contradictions in the Vedas? Your website is amazing and so fun to spend time on. A senior person is the one we should seek good advice from. In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? Even those who do not believe in the existence of God … Posted by Saif min Suyufillah in Contradictions, Vedas is confused about who created the humans or all creatures, It’s mentioned in Yajur Veda, Yajur Veda 14.28 With one they praised; creatures were produced…With five they praised; beings were created. If you go outside again, I will thrash you.". So this shows that the sacrificed Purusha was born from Viraj. Thank you very much for your excellent article on 'the Nature of God'. Counter Response to Scientific Errors in Hinduism/Vedas. Every era has its own social and cultural norms. This obviously will not be acceptable to anybody, not even to those who propound the above interpretation. If Purusha is the Almighty god then how come the Almighty God (Purusha) himself was born? Guruji Vaidyraj Balwantrai Joshi is well versed in Sanskrit, Vedas and Ayurveda. Because it is the cause of this world, and an effect can never exist without its cause inhering in it. Kind regards. The other day we were discussing nirguna and saguna, gross and subtle. Resolution: No. Fundamentally, everything being God only, there can be no upadhi different from It. However, the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad says: 'God is neither gross nor subtle, neither short nor long, neither shadow nor darkness, neither air nor space. De Veda's (Sanskriet: वेद, veda) zijn de oudste en heiligste hindoegeschriften, opgesteld in vedisch Sanskriet.Er zijn vier Veda's: de Rig-Veda, de Atharva-Veda, de Yajur-Veda en de Sama-Veda.Een belangrijk deel van de Indiase filosofie en veel van de religieuze sekten die tot het hindoeïsme gerekend worden, zijn gebaseerd op deze teksten. Salam, I want to know what are the Unscientific/ Contradiction statements that are present in Vedas, BhagwatGita and other Hindu scriptures because during Dawah we can tell them that Human handiwork is involved in this this Scriptures? from 800 AD. This clearly contradicts your principle that 'everything is God' (sarvam khalu idam Brahman, Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1). Except in some classical forms in Lakshmi-Narayana imagery Lakshmi is ordinarily two-armed…. Principal and Teacher, But Siva as this entity has consciousness that is viewing and moving through all reality at all times. Sripada Shankara Acharya also finally said 'Bhaja Govindam moodha mathe". In its true nature God is indescribable. Namaste. It is without taste or smell, speech or mind, without an exterior or an interior. I hope many many people will read this. Not only this, if we interpret 'without a body' as meaning that God does not have a material body but a transcendental one, then we will have to interpret 'without wound' as God having a transcendental wound; and 'sinless' would mean having transcendental sins. Vedas and Bhavisial puranas clearly indicating the coming of a last prophet called Muhammad in Mecca and he will be an orphan and his followers will be known as Muslims and they will do circumcision. Now is the final throes of festive exuberance. Even though the Linga is invisible to the eye, we can come to this conclusion because of its upadhis. Here we see that these are not different mantras giving contradictory versions, but same mantras presenting apparently conflicting perceptions of God. In such a scheme, we can easily reconcile the adjectives like 'without smell' (a-gandham), or without taste (a-rasam), i.e. Shankaracharya Ji says: 'the shape of the effect too is fundamentally nothing but the cause itself' – karya-akaar api karanasya atmabhuta eva (Commentary on the Brahma Sutras, 2.1.18). From the viewpoint of which creature are you calling a particular feature harmful or beneficent? How, then can we reconcile these apparently contradictory statements? Why? That is why, however way we describe It, Shruti calls it "Neti Neti". Resolution: Yes. (Shvetashvatara Upanishad 3.19), 'God is light (tejomaya), God is without light (a-tejomaya). Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. It makes the products available and delivery at cheaper rates than Amazon. Fundamentally, a pot is nothing but clay only. It is clear that the composer or God of Vedas is not the creator. God does not move. While Purusha Sukta is often quoted, The Rig Veda 10.72 hymn is often ignored by the scholars. 18. Resolution: 'Upadhi' is a precisely defined technical term in Vedanta. YogaSan Yoga Studio, This is the advantage of an upadhi. I just want to briefly comment on this analysis based on the little knowledge I acquired. Rig Veda 10.129.6-7 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? Please read our, Al suscribirse, recibirá nuestros boletines por correo electrónico y actualizaciones de productos, no más de dos veces al mes. Vedas very clearly provide right to Shudras (and women) – in fact entire humanity – to study Vedas and conduct Vedic rituals like Yajna. Scholars like Romila Thapar and D.D. This article shows how there is no contradiction at all in the Vedas regarding the nature of God. Hearing these contradictory statements, the man concluded that the woman was very impatient, quarrelsome or even mad. ”[6] Who knew the way? ", "The sources of Dharma have been systematically divided into four simple categories....This desisting from the prohibition is what constitutes the karma, leading to Dharma.....There are many Vedic Karmas which do not find mention directly in the Vedas but are found only in the Smritis....The Agnihotra mentioned above can be performed at any one of the three times....Lord Shiva drank the deadliest poison easily. The irony of the spiritual journey is that we start with theology, philosophy and religion, but at some point we need to let all these go and experience the Divine Presence directly. The teachings of Madhava Acharya, Ramanucharya and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu step by step take one from the 'Mayavata' platform to appreciate the Supereme Personality of Godhead. The seniors invariably possess perfect right-mindedness concerning the theoretical framework. Even though we recognize gold through the ring, the gold is totally independent of the ring; i.e., we could have come to know what gold is through a ring, bracelet, or a necklace. Contradictions in Vedas:️ WHAT DID THE ASHWINS DRAW FROM HOOF OF THE HORSE? Vishnu purana says that all people should worship Vishnu Bhagwan and Vishnu created all people. She was dying with shame but inside, like a true kshatrani (woman of the warrior race), she was burning with anger…. The word Viraj occurs in Atharva Veda 11.4.12 as Prana (Vital Spirit), in Atharva Veda 9.2.5 Viraj is translated as milch cow, and by Arya Samaj scholars as Splendid Speech [Goddess]. Dividing his own body, the Lord became half male and half female; with that (female) he produced Virag. A pot cannot exist without clay. This video gives a brief introduction to these mystic texts. ", "No one spends even a single moment without doing some action or the other....We generally notice in history that almost all civilizations acquire a lot of material affluence in the beginning and after sometime they go into oblivion....We very well know that it is only the work based on well thought plan that solves problems and not our worry.....The success of any action depends not only on visible parameters but also invisible one....We are carried by the slogans of the times and move in the turbulent waters of life in a rudderless boat.....Want to give us a state of pleasure which is constant and never ending. Todo comentario o sugerencia será bien recibida. ", "She has always believed that this would redeem her of her distress….A coconut, otherwise an ordinary dried fruit or the source of edible, or at the most, beauty oil, has always been revered as an auspicious object effecting good and well-being and the food that gods most loved….The tree in the Buddhist tradition was later identified as Bodhi-tree, seated under which Buddha had attained Enlightenment….Body gestures and symptoms, signs, indications among others must have been the early man’s tools of communicating oneself and knowing and understanding the world around….Kirttimukha was initially conceived as a mystical mask….Lion does not figure in the wide range of animal toys or figurines excavated from Indus sites. Go out and play for sometime." ( Log Out /  Basically a bird Garuda is seen for ages as Vishnu's ardent devotee, a learned human being and an auspicious presence, and in iconographic tradition often conceived with a man's face, anatomy, ornaments and ensemble. ", "Her epithet in the Devi-Mahatmya is Mahalakshmi. Though very rare some enthused artists have conceived on Ardhanarishvara line also Vishnu’s Ardhanarishvara images. The earth was born from the upward-growing (tree), the quarters were born from the earth; Daksha was born from Aditi, and afterwards Aditi from Daksha. Who knows then whence it first came into being? Contradictions in Vedas:️ WHAT DID THE ASHWINS DRAW FROM HOOF OF THE HORSE? But Rig Veda says that Brahma created only the Four castes of Indians in India. However, he postponed his ‘nirvana’ for three months till he visited the places he had reminiscences of. Who there declared Whence this arose? Clay, which can take any shape, is by itself shapeless. Doubt: So the scriptures give sanction to both Saguna and Nirguna Brahman? Veda says, Rig Veda 10.90.5 From him Viraj was born; again Purusa from Viraj was born…, The word Viraj here is translated by some as universe. We know that each and every word of the Vedas is sacred. [7] This projection whence arose, Whether held or whether not, He the ruler in the supreme sky, of this He, O Sharman! Doubt: What is the meaning of this term 'upadhi'? His 'khadgasana' images are usually in three modes; one with his right foot moved forward represents him in a commander's disposition ready to rush for protecting a devotee in crisis or redeem him from some calamity. Some may try to twist and turn these verses to hide the fallacies of Vedas, but truth will remain truth. It is both here and there (everywhere). Sometimes one comes across references in the Ithihasa and Puranas , when related to the Vedas there is confusion. Manu also alludes that the Rishis were born after the creation of universe (Manu 1.34-35). The Vedas say that bone is untouchable but the conchshell which is also a bone is perfectly pure. God is without any form, otherwise how can It take any form? I have recommended your website to over 40 of my classmates. Swami Vivekananda. Rituals performed with knowledge leads to Sriman Narayana. JAPAN, A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy. God is without eyes and ears or mouth. In this manner, because the same Linga seems to take on the different color of its various upadhis, the only possible conclusion is that it is by itself colorless. The Brahma Sutra, the ultimate authority on Vedanta composed by sage Vyasa, says: 'Arupa-vat eva hi tat pradhanatvat' (Brahma Sutras 3.2.14): God is formless because this is the primary meaning of the Vedas. Vedas doesn’t give the list of gods who sacrificed Purusha. God has desire (kamamaya), God is without desire (a-kamamaya). Thank you for your e-mail. It is "Neti Neti", - Not This, Not This. For the common man the statements of the Vedas appear to be contradictory. Hindus consider the Vedas to be apauruṣeya, which means "not of a man, superhuman" and "impersonal, authorless," revelations of sacred sounds and texts heard by ancient sages after intense meditation. Whatever the shape may be, we will we get to know gold only. Hence, it is clear that such a narrowing down of the meaning is not sufficient at all. Any quality comes only through the association with upadhis. Therefore, we have to accept one of them as the actual truth and reconcile the other with it. It’s about gods sacrificing Purusha and each of his body part becomes the creation. She is the wrathful four-armed goddess of battlefield represented holding in them various weapons…. And who really sacrificed Purusha then? In trying to contain God in a set of logical formulae, philosophers demean godhead. Rohita is considered a sage in that verse. It will not be an exaggeration to say that if we grasp the essence of this one term, much of Vedanta will fall into place for us, and things will become much easier to understand. Article of the Month - September 2010. Apologists have many criticisms about identifying contradictions, and in many cases they go out of their way to add things to the bible in order to explain them away. God is one only and that is Para Brahman. Your article has answered many of the questions. Vedas are the oldest scriptures ever written. The Nature of God: Is There Contradiction in The Vedas? In fairness to those who believe in the bible, I make no assumptions that any of these contradictions are true.… It is contradictory for us because we do not have the intellect to understand the Vedic texts. God is swifter than the mind. Being by itself colorless, it is difficult to distinguish. Response to No Corruption in Vedas. Therefore, the ring becomes useful for understanding gold. Throughout our history, Man has sought to define and explain the universe through systematic principles which specify the behaviour of things. Their mother should not cry, like I have at the death of my children. Upadhi means something different from God. He ate less and less till his diet reduced to a sesame seed, and himself, to a mere skeleton…. Scholars like Romila Thapar and D.D. Unfurling locks of hair and his snakes floating into space portray the dynamics of the act. However, if anybody else did the same, he would be reduced to ashes....However, this is the weakest source of Dharma out of the four. Interpreted in this contextual way, everything fell beautifully into place and there remained no contradiction at all. When Gods are later than this world’s production then who sacrificed Purusha? Thus again we are saddled with contradictory features in God. We have to accept only those features which reflect on God's benevolent nature, and discard the unpleasant qualities like 'without a wound' etc. But it’s mentioned in Atharva Veda 13.1.55 that Rohita brought the world which rose from the sacrifice (of Purusha). It can remain away from it also. The ultimate source for discerning the nature of God are the collection of scriptures known as the Vedas. This piece of history is from the Mahabharata…. There is no other more appropriate description of God.' Some interpret Rig Veda 10.90.5 as, The almighty God created Viraj, and Viraj then created the Men (Purusha) or living creatures, they translate the later word Purusha literally as Men. So the pure consciousness of "Cit" is eternally and consistently all pervasive everywhere. Vedas and Bhavisial puranas clearly indicating the coming of a last prophet called Muhammad in Mecca and he will be an orphan and his followers will be known as Muslims and they will do circumcision. Therefore, now there is no other way other than reconciling the Saguna statements with a Nirguna God; i.e. But it makes the situation more complex because Vedas states in the beginning only Viraj was present and from him Purusha was born. However, if we keep a red flower behind it we can distinguish it clearly. "We assume that our happiness is the result of an interaction with external objects…. we can say that God has transcendental taste and smell. Encyclopaedia of Vedanta: New Delhi, 2002. A Concordance to the Principal Upanisads and Bhagavadgita. Not only this, the scriptures also say that even the negative, harmful aspects of the world are but God only: 'God has desire, anger and adharma' (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 4.4.5). Sometimes it is red and sometimes it is not. Atharva Veda 19.6.9 In the beginning rose Viraj: Purusha from Viraj was born. Translation of Shankaracharya's Commentary on the Eleven Upanishads (Hindi): Gorakhpur, 2006. Seven days after the attainment of enlightenment gods sent food for breaking his fast…. Contradictions in the Bible. May God bless you for it. Rules of Sanskrit grammar but contradiction in vedas will definitely find the truth that its lies. Described as formless and without any qualities shrutis: for the Linga is invisible to Vedas. 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