Phillips was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2011. I find conflicting accounts on the internet. Get started South Carolina, Deaths, 1915-1943. Perhaps it was a scheme by the tool industry to make people buy twice as many screwdrivers. If I want something, I must do whatever it takes to make it happen. The Robertson squaresocket screw is still popular in Canada and is used by a number of U.S. furniture and mobile-home manufacturers. The Phillips, however, remains the international socket screw of choice. I now know that there are many important people in my family that have given out their ideas and creations to the world. If you press the tip of the screwdriver against the screw head, it takes only a little wiggling to seat it properly. He was born in Bolivar, Missouri, on June 4, 1889. Phillips and Mary Phillips (born Richards). Phillips himself died in semiobscurity in 1958 at the age of 68, long after his invention had become a household name. My grandmother believes that when you know about your family history, you gain more insight into who you are and what your future may hold. Wasn’t one kind enough? The slot design is particularly ill-suited for use with power tools. Sometime before 17 October 1491 Sir THOMAS PHILIPPS of Kilsant, Carmarthenshire, married Joan Dwnn, daughter and heiress of Harry Dwnn (son of Owen Dwnn of Muddlescomb in Kidwelly and Katherine Wogan, second daughter of John Wogan and widow of Sir Henry Wogan) and Margaret, daughter and co-heiress of Sir Henry Wogan of Wiston. Interment will be in Farenzie Cemetery. His mind was always running in high gear. But the ordinary screw and screwdriver are far from perfect, and the spread of assembly lines and mass production highlighted their deficiencies. The Phillips Screw is a widely used product throughout the entire nation. He left four sons and one daughter: Harry L.; Norman A.; Henry F., Junior; John; and Dorothy (Phillips) Rees. By 1940, most American automakers used Phillips screws. The company has developed a number of improvements to the basic Phillips design. The importance of the crosshead screw design lies in its self-centering property, useful on automated production lines that use powered screwdrivers. The conveniently selfcentering driver turned out to be conveniently self-ejecting as well. 1791-1860. It had all the advantages of the Phillips, but Robertson was unable to get it used by American industries. This invention helped define my family history. The screws boosted industrial productivity, but, for the weekend handyman, they only created problems. The two inventions of the twentieth century were the hoola hoop and the Phillips Screw. He passed away on 6 … When the U.S. needed to crank out jeeps and tanks for World War II, Phillips screws were an essential component in the war effort. In addition, Phillips screws are almost impossible to over screw, which was also very important for industry. Many large databases are available to search covering from births, deaths and marriages, military records, census records … In 1935 Phillips bought a self-centering screw design from John P. Thompson. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Henry F Philipps was born in 1861, at birth place, to Thomas M.B. For more information on this creation, see Viscount St Davids and … But he failed at marketing his design beyond Canada, apparently because of both the disruption of World War I and his insistence on retaining complete control over his technology. Just watched modern marvels and the correct name is Henry P. Phillips, didnt know how to change the title so! Re: Will of Arrington Phillips in Henry County, GA. Nancy Kiser 9/22/14. People Projects Discussions Surnames Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Ancestry is a major source of information if you are filling out your Henry F. Phillips family tree. Unless the screwdriver is centered with absolute precision, the blade tends to go flying out. For the average person tackling a minor do-it-yourself project, the advantages of the Phillips can seem elusive. Der Schraubentyp ist heute weltweit in etwas verbesserter Form verbreitet und trägt seinen Namen. Henry Phillips ist der Name von Henry Phillips (Botaniker) (1779–1840), englischer Botaniker; Henry Phillips (Sänger) (1801–1876), englischer Bassist und Bariton; Henry Phillips (Gewichtheber) (fl. Henry Frank Phillips (June 4, 1889 – April 13, 1958) was an American businessman from Portland, Oregon.The Phillips-head ("crosshead") screw and screwdriver are named after him.. They had eight children (6 sons and 2 daughters) between 1850 and 1871, all born in Benton County, Arkansas. Born in Randwick, Gloucestershire, England on 1822 to william henry phillips and susan wilson. Cornelia Phillips. 2006 Family History Article by Great Great Grand daughter: Nell Zaloom: My family is comprised of many fascinating characters. A second application, filed a year later by Phillips and Thomas M. Fitzpatrick, of Portland, described the blunt-ended design that remains in use today. In 1933, John P. Thompson received US Patent number 1,908,080 assigned to … Phillips founded the Phillips Screw Company to license his patents. Phillips family help -- MA/RI/MD. She is someone who loves to talk about anything. at Mt. 1793-Henry Philips. Join Facebook to connect with Henry Philipsen and others you may know. The Phillips Screw Company and the American Screw Company went on to devise the Pozidriv screw, which differs from the Phillips in that it is designed to accommodate greater torque than the Phillips. Geni requires JavaScript! The two inventions of the twentieth century were the hoola hoop and the Phillips Screw. Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, Colfax, LA. Nachdem das Design der Schraube häufig kopiert worden war, verlor Phillips 1949 sein Patent. Phillips modifizierte die Erfindung und gewann industrielle Hersteller für den Einsatz der Schraube. During World War II, tanks, jeeps, and aircraft held together by Phillipshead screws began rolling off assembly lines. Phillips’s five 1936 patents describe a fastening system involving a shallow cruciform recess and a matching driver with a tapering tip. Phillips screw head. Other socket designs in common use include the hexagonal Alien socket and the star-shaped Torx. Robert G. Brown 9/24/14. His company was very successful. Engineers there balked until the president of the company threatened to fire anyone who said it couldn’t be done. The Kilsant (Cilsant) family claimed descent … Research genealogy for Henry Phillips of West Down, Devon, England, as well as other members of the Phillips family, on Ancestry®. The Phillips Screw Company, now based in Wakefield, Massachusetts, continues to research and license fastener technology. Hendrick “Henry” Phillips. Once a standard is in place, it can be as difficult to dislodge as a tightly driven Phillips screw. The man who invented the screw was my relative. They moved … Then, in 1907, a Canadian named Peter L. Robertson patented a square-socket screw that could be efficiently massproduced, and a number of Canadian factories adopted it. Services for Henry Philips will be on Friday, January 31, 2020 at 11:00a.m. So, is it Henry P. or Henry F.? HENRY F. PHILLIPS, of Portland, Oregon, patented a new kind of screw and screwdriver in 1936. Although he received patents for the design in 1936 (US Patent #2,046,343, US Patents #2,046,837 to 2,046,840), it was so widely copied that by 1949 Phillips lost his patent. Screws that replace the slot with a socket, such as the cavity that fits an Allen wrench, offer a snugger fit. PHILLIPS Family, Bristol, RI. In 1908, Canadian Peter L. Robertson invented a square-head screw. Henry Phillips married Sarah Beard and had 7 children. SPOUSES AND CHILDREN. That takes only a moment, but in high-volume manufacturing those moments add up. June 4 1889 - Bolivar, Polk, Missouri, United States, Apr 13 1958 - Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, Dorothy Phillips, John Phillips, Norman August Phillips, Harry Phillips, Jack Phillips, Henry Francis Phillips, Allen Phillips, Matilda Florence Phillips (born Forgey). Henry F. Phillips (* 1890; † 1958) war ein US-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann aus Portland, Oregon, der dem Erfinder J.P. Thompson im Jahre 1935 das Patent für den heute allgemein als Kreuz- oder Phillips-Schraube bekannten Schraubentyp abkaufte. The speed with which Phillips screws can be used was crucial to the auto assembly line. Records of Henry F. Phillips on Ancestry. 1797-1855. 1790-1840. Billions of Phillips Screws were made and are still used today. Selah Reeves Phillips . People Projects Discussions Surnames My great-grandfather, Genealogy profile for Henry Phillips John Henry Phillips (1908 - 1937) - Genealogy Genealogy for John Henry Phillips (1908 - 1937) family tree on Geni, with over 200 … Phillips persuaded the American Screw Company to manufacture his screw design, and the company convinced General Motors to use the screw on the 1936 Cadillac. He tried to sell his invention to every major screw manufacturer in the U.S., including the American Screw Company, but was originally turned down. The Phillips screw can be driven with more torque and holds better than slotted screws. The Phillips system is also self-centering. Some of his ideas helped create the Presto Log, kindel stix, and the flow spout. Henry Frank Phillips (4. června 1889 – 13. dubna 1958) byl podnikatel z amerického Portlandu, manažer důlní společnosti a od roku 1933 majitel firmy Phillips Screw Company.V roce 1932 získal patent na šroub s křížovou drážkou (nápad odkoupil od skutečného vynálezce, automechanika Johna P. Thompsona), který se v angličtině podle něj jmenuje Phillips-head nebo zkráceně PH. Henry F. Phillips (* 1890; † 1958) war ein US-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann aus Portland, Oregon, der dem Erfinder J.P. Thompson im Jahre 1935 das Patent für den heute allgemein als Kreuz- oder Phillips-Schraube bekannten Schraubentyp abkaufte. My grandmother believed that the story of the Phillips Screw should be most remembered about the history of our family. Within a decade his screws were holding things together all over the world. This story was inspiring and informative. Children (6) Edward Phillips. Genealogy for Henry Frank Phillips, Jr. (1919 - 2005) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Whereas a dime or a piece of scrap metal can often be used to loosen a slot screw, nothing takes the place of a Phillips screwdriver. Listening to the story of the Phillips Screw made me feel proud to be part of my family. Henry F. Phillips invented both the screw and the driver that bear his name. 1765-1830. The combination of a shallow socket and a tapered blade made the driver pop out of the socket whenever it encountered a lot of resistance, a phenomenon known as “camout” or “torque-out.” This, the most vexing shortcoming of the Phillips system for casual users, proved to be an advantage for automakers and other manufacturers, cutting down on overscrewing. Henry F. Phillips war ein US-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann aus Portland, Oregon, der dem Erfinder J.P. Thompson im Jahre 1935 das Patent für den heute allgemein als Kreuz- oder Phillips-Schraube bekannten Schraubentyp abkaufte. Henry F. Phillips (1890 – 1958), a U.S. businessman from Portland, Oregon, has the honor of having the Phillips-head screw and screwdriver named after him. Henry lived in Portland, Oregon with his wife, Nell Phillips, and his five children. Marriage: 3 Oct 1790. 1796-1863. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Henry J. Philips 1921 1921 South Carolina South Carolina Henry J. Philips, 1921 - 1921. Why do we all rely on a basic device whose shortcomings are so maddening? Henry Phelipe, noted in the 1273 Hundred Rolls of Norfolk, was the earliest recorded bearer of the surname. This screw is standard in Canada and is favored by woodworkers on both sides of the border. I would be interested to see a photograph of Mr Phillips. After three years of rejection, he finally persuaded the American Screw Company to manufacture the screws. Calvin Phillips married Rachael Reddick in Benton County, Arkansas December 20, 1849. 1972), panamaischer Gewichtheber; Henry Bayard Phillips (1881–1973), US-amerikanischer Mathematiker; Henry Disbrow Phillips (1882–1955), US-amerikanischer American-Football … American Screw then spent $500,000 developing a manufacturing process and induced General Motors to use the screws on its 1936 Cadillac. My great-grandfather, Henry F. Phillips, invented the Phillips Screw. Williams will be officiating. Prince George Phillips. Mary was born in 1836, in Spanon, Cardiganshire, Wales. Profile von Personen mit dem Namen Phillips Henry anzeigen. Henry J. Philips was born on month day 1921, at birth place, South Carolina, to F.W, Philips and Mary Lee Boswell. The Oregon businessman patented two versions of a fastening device for crosshead screws in 1934 and 1936. It is important to know about a family member who created an invention that is used very often around the world. The name Henry F. Phillips may not be immediately familiar but a huge portion of the people on this planet know and regularly use the invention that bares his last name. To seat the business end of a screwdriver into a slot screw, you have to make sure the blade and slot line up exactly. Husband of Nell Merdes Henry Clay Phillips: Birthdate: 1851: Birthplace: Rockingham County, Virginia, United States: Death: Immediate Family: Son of James Phillips and Susan Phillips Husband of Sarah Virginia Philips Father of Walter Henry Phillips and Edna Phillips. Robert G. Brown 9/24/14. Mr. Phillips was 74 years of age and was one of the few survivors who served on the famous gunboats employed by the federal government in keeping the blockade during the Civil war. Abraham A. Philips. [1],, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The Philipps Baronetcy, of Picton Castle in the County of Pembroke, was created in the Baronetage of England on 9 November 1621. Henry Phillips abt 29 Dec 1785 Birmingham, Warwickshire, England - abt 24 May 1860 managed by Ken McEvoy Barzilla (Phillips) Slaven abt 04 Sep 1850 Winfield, Scott, Tennessee, United States - 09 Dec 1922 managed by William Taylor In 1932, the American Screw Company got a new president and bought Phillip’s idea. 1771-1837. cindy vance 5/07/14 . Henry Frank Phillips (June 4, 1889 – April 13, 1958) was a U.S. businessman from Portland, Oregon. Why? Eunice Reeves. Phillips headed the Phillips Screw Company in Portland, Oregon. Nancy Kiser 5/08/14. View the profiles of people named Henry Philipsen. Rev. 1972), panamaischer Gewichtheber; Henry Bayard Phillips (1881–1973), US-amerikanischer Mathematiker Benton County is in the northwest corner of Arkansas. This … Its ACR Phillips II employs interlocking ribs in the driver and socket to eliminate cam-out; its Pozidriv system uses flanges between the driver blades, and matching grooves in the socket, to reduce wear and allow firmer engagement. Phillips modifizierte die Erfindung und gewann industrielle Hersteller für den Einsatz der Schraube. Born an engineer from Portland, Oregon, it is safe to assume that he did not think his name would become ubiquitous in the worldwide lexicon. I decided to interview my grandmother, Marynell Phillips Stone, whom I was named after. Henry Phillips invented the Phillips Screw, the BarMaster and the Kindle Stick. The American Screw Company was responsible for devising a means of manufacturing the screw, and successfully patented and licensed their method; other screw makers of the 1930s dismissed the Phillips concept since it calls for a relatively complex recessed socket shape in the head of the screw — as distinct from the simple milled slot of a slotted type screw. He often would write down his ideas on his bedroom wallpaper. Der Schraubentyp ist heute weltweit in etwas verbesserter … Henry Philips in entry for Abraham Philips, "New York Births and Christenings, 1640-1962" Family Members. Managed by: Donald Franklin Colvin: Last … But punching deep sockets into screw heads tends to deform or damage them, so slot screws were always far easier and cheaper to manufacture. The Phillips-head ("crosshead") screw and screwdriver are named after him. The death of Henry F. Phillips of Muskegon Heights, occurred yesterday afternoon at 3:45 in his home on Peck street. Phillips modifizierte die Erfindung und gewann industrielle Hersteller für den Einsatz der Schraube. Records may include photos, original documents, family history, relatives, specific dates, locations and full names. Henry F. Phillips was born in 1889 in Bolivar, Missouri to Allen and Florence Phillips. Like Robertson’s square-socket design, the Phillips system is self-centering: Press the tip against the socket, and a little wiggling will seat it properly. Januar 2015 um 18:57 Uhr bearbeitet. Father of Harry Leland Phillips; Dorothy Phillips; Private; Private and Frank Phillips. By 1940 virtually every American automaker had switched to Phillips screws. Henry F. Phillips (* 1890; † 1958) war ein US-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann aus Portland, Oregon, der dem Erfinder J.P. Thompson im Jahre 1935 das Patent für den heute allgemein als Kreuz- oder Phillips-Schraube bekannten Schraubentyp abkaufte. Henry Phillips (Sänger) (1801–1876), englischer Bassist und Bariton; Henry Phillips (Gewichtheber) (fl. Phillips' major contribution was in driving the crosshead concept forward to the point where it was adopted by screwmakers and automobile companies. My grandmother is a woman of intelligence and wonder. Mr. Phillips, 62, of Colfax, LA, passed away on January 26, 2020 at Rapides Regional Medical Center, Alexandria, LA. Phillips intended the screw for use with automatic screwdrivers and marketed it for mass-production industries such as auto manufacturing. Create a free family tree for yourself or for Henry Philips and we’ll search for valuable new information for you. PHILLIPS Family, Bristol, RI. Interestingly enough, Phillips was not the first to improve on the old slotted screw. The patronymic form emerges simultaneously (see below), and in the modern idiom appears variously as Phil(l)ips, Phil(l)ipps, Phil(l)ipse, Phelps, Phelips and Phelops. Phillips modifizierte die Erfindung und gewann industrielle Hersteller für den Einsatz der Schraube. The interview was set up on the 6th of September at 6:30 P.M. over the telephone. The Robertson screw was the first recess-drive fastener that was practical for mass production. A flat-bladed driver or even a wrong-size Phillips one just makes cam-out worse. Research genealogy for Henry Phillips of Nailsea, Somerset, England, as well as other members of the Phillips family, on Ancestry®. This piece of family history inspires me to achieve the greatest. Henry F. Phillips. Henry founded the Phillips Screw Company, obtaining ninety licenses with every automobile and aircraft manufacturer. … Genealogy for Henry A Phillips (1856 - 1936) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. In 1933, Henry invented the Phillips recessed-head screw that was the first major improvement in the single-slot screw industry in eight decades. Cam-out makes tightly driven Phillips screws fiendishly hard to remove and often damages the screw, the driver, and anything a suddenly loose driver happens to hit. Will of Arrington Phillips in Henry County, GA. Donald Spaulding 9/21/14. Re: Prince George Phillips. The importance of the crosshead screw design lies in its self-centering property, useful on automated production lines that use powered screwdrivers. There have been four baronetcies created for members of the Welsh Philipps family, one in the Baronetage of England and three in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom (see also Philips baronets).. Historical records and family trees related to Henry Phillips. His first application, filed in 1934, envisioned a screwdriver that ended in a sharp point. Henry was a brilliant mastermind and a young inventor. Thomas was born on February 27 1831, in Southwark, St Olaves, Surrey, England. He must of had a very intereting cranial structure. Genealogy for Henry Herbert Phillips (1852 - c.1913) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. I chose to interview my grandmother because of her wisdom, knowledge, and eagerness to share our family history. People Projects Discussions Surnames She knows everything about her family history. And bought Phillip ’ s five 1936 patents describe a fastening device for crosshead screws 1934... Persuaded the American screw Company to license his patents dates, locations and full.... Replace the slot design is particularly ill-suited for use with power tools? title=Henry_F._Phillips & oldid=138258408 „! The Philipps Baronetcy, of Portland, Oregon, patented a new president and bought henry f phillips family ’ s 1936., Canadian Peter L. Robertson invented a square-head screw crucial to the auto assembly line Company now... That use powered screwdrivers highlighted their deficiencies in 1836, in Spanon, Cardiganshire, Wales to and... 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