Furthermore, Amerigo Vespucci (“Américo” in Spanish) never set foot on the United States. Actually the indigenous Arawakan’s were not indigenous….they came from South America…. They will TELL you are from the United States. This week, we'll be tackling the origins and meanings of … What goes into a name? My thing is doesn’t really matter who or what the US was named after it’s the fact that mostly likely The United States of “America” was named after a white/hispanic racist male. Until 15 years ago, the document that gave the United States of America the basis for its name was housed in Germany. Here let me spell it out for you…we started out as 13 colonies that decided to rebel against Great Britain. So, that means that the U.S.A. is using the name given to the continent? North America was not named after…Amerigo Vespucci. Just to ‘assume’ it was called ‘America’ for no reason doesn’t make any sense. Thus, you are NOT the only ‘true’ Americans on this planet. Historical and geographically the original people of America are, Going to America in the English language meant going to what now is the US. Antonyms for How did America get its name?. The Bristol sailors named the area after the Bristol merchant they worked for…Richard Amerike.” England had been fishing for Cod at least as early as 1475 or earlier off the Grand Banks of Nova Scotia and Maine. WHY THE UNITED STATES ARE AMERICANS. Not, his story. Still A Controversy! © This grander description sparked celebration throughout Europe, and soon after a group of cartographers, poets and noblemen in France produced a popular pamphlet in which modern-day South America is named for the Italian explorer. Earlier it was divided into 13 small colonies. America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer who set forth the then revolutionary concept that the lands that Christopher Columbus sailed to in 1492 were part of a separate continent. THE ONES FROM FRANCE ARE FRENCH,GERMANY ARE GERMANS,POLAND ARE POLISHED AND GREECE ARE GREEKS BUT THEY’RE ALL EUROPEANS BECAUSE THEY’RE FROM THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE. In other words, stealing. While crossing the Atlantic, Vespucci met the returning fleet of Cabral, then homeward bound from Brazil, and was advised of prevailing latitudes, trade winds and ocean currents. IF YOU LIVE IN AMERICA AND CALL YOURSELF AN AMERICAN, THEREFORE, YOU ARE AN AMERICAN LIVING IN AMERICA. The name apper too latin to suppose the origin come from Ameryk. History Of The Name Of Brazil. Altogether the complete name amounted to "United States of America". As opposed to the slang, broken Spanish commonly heard in the United States today from citizens based out of Middle and South America. Amerike is chiefly remembered because of old documents rediscovered in 1955, proving his ship’s discovery of Newfoundland and lands southward to Maryland in 1497. And Who Discovered America? Read the real history. Amerigo Vespucci, though, never set foot on North America. Can’t you people find something more useful to do? Find out information about How did America get its name?. From afar, the appropriation of “America” to mean “United States of America,” can seem at one extreme provincial, at the other extreme imperialistic. Thus “A-mark-ia”, ie “America”. I think I will just think of myself as American thank you. and finally Amaerica these among others but None came from or After Columbus Or Amerigo……… WE ARE THE ABORIGINALS OF AMERICA ✊. Certainly, there were people here before Europeans. The legendary God QuetzlcoATL, a mythical culture hero from whom almost all mesoamerican peoples claim descent, taught them farming, etc. The USA tries to get their way just to steal the continents’ name America. Because they consider themselves to also be Americans. Please tell the real truth. Just how did America get to be named after Amerigo Vespucci, who was fairly obscure? Americans are the people from all the countries inside the continent (from Canada to Argentina). The natives of the country have long called it Mexico, however. ok so i know america was named after Amerigo Vespucci, but i was thinking why america why not Vespucci arnt they sappose to name the place after a person's last name, and there is no last name such as america You do not want to admit that America is a Dutch/German word LOL LOL LOL. That’s why we have a president/CEO/overseer. But the only info that comes out is this one, that it is the new world’s name, the continent that Columbus discovered. In 1984 William Safire, concerned about the accuracy or propriety of using “American” as the name of a denizen of the United States of America, sought alternatives, finding none, such as “Unisian,” “United Statesian,” “Usian,” or Frank Lloyd Wright’s “Usonian,” satisfactory. This post isn’t *how* the western hemisphere was named but rather the use of ‘America’ as a synonym for the USA. The European portion. Geoffrey C. Bobker, London . Traitors fled their land( English ). Only the United States of America has that honor and all know what we are talking about because that is part of our name only one in the world. The map grew out of an ambitious project in St. Dié, France, in the early years of the 16th century, to update geographic knowledge flowing from the new discoveries of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. • President John Adam’s first inaugural address. The cartographer Martin Waldseemueller in 1507 made up the name ‘America’ by converting m mAmerigo’ [Vespucci’s first name] into Latin to honor his discovery of the SOUTH AMERICAN Continent. You should clarify that America is the name of the whole continent, named after Amerigo Vespucci. The Story of How America Got Its Name It is an irony of history that the name "America" did not come from Christopher Columbus. I think Canada should call itself The United Provinces of America, or the UPA. I agree with them and will be forever on their side! Your description of America being a latinized version of Amerigo is ambiguous and nonsensical. Richard Amerike (or Ameryk) pronounced America (c.1445-1503) was a wealthy English merchant, royal customs officer and sheriff of Welsh descent. May 10, 2009 at 10:34 pm; 0 Votes. Earlier it was divided into 13 small colonies. We were first America, not until we established states did we become United. The seven continent model, with the two separate continents of North America & South America, is much more widely taught/followed around the world than the five continent model, with one single continent called “America,” is. America is a continent not a country. “Lady Liberty” or of that on a larger scale, “Mother Earth”). All of us in this new world are Americans. Today America is regarded as the most affluent and powerful country of the world. Vespucci and others were named after “America”, not vice-versa. About two dozen times Franklin and his questioners referred to the Colonies as ‘America’. Add the name “America” to your country if you wish but even the “Estados Unidos Mexicanos” prefer to be called “Mexico” and the people “Mexicanos”. I appreciate Barry’s comments – but is he assuming that the name ‘America’ was just plucked out of nowhere? “America” is identified in the top portion of this segment of the 1507 Waldseemüller map. It was applied to both North and South America by Gerardus Mercator in 1538. He only navigated the South Atlantic coasts of Brazil and Argentina. I have the text and references. How did America get its Name? And the courts which are also privately owned is the biggest tricky this country has tricked us to INVOLENTARY participation. 2008-02-09 18:07:25 2008-02-09 18:07:25. It’s improbably to lose y and k and replaced with i and c from a cartographic who lived in Alsace. The map reflected a huge leap forward in knowledge, recognizing the newly found American landmass and forever changing mankind’s understanding and perception of the world itself. Nishad Neelambaran . MEXICO ARE MEXICANS, CANADA ARE CANADIANS AND BRAZIL ARE BRAZILIANS. Just to give an idea: the new land was named America in 1507 and U.S.A was officially name as … responsible for everything that you post. The Greeks are generally credited with creating the concept of an Asia, which at the time included Persians, Arabs, Indians, and anyone not African or European. Of course, both Columbus and Amerigo fare well in history books considering that the Vikings beat them to the New World by 500 years. We know that America was discovered by Columbus. “America” is a continent and not a country. It was call AmEricka, and we had many kings, pyrimides, scientist, moors, yamassee, deleware, washitaha and that’s not even 100th if how long we “backs” have been infiltrated and stolen from,murdered, and had our credit deminish. AMERICA IS NOT A COUNTRY AMERICA ITS A CONTINENT. America is a de facto Spanish word. The naming of America goes to show that it pays to have a good publicist. A’mur’kans/Maurs. He grew up in a family that worked in the weaving business. An accompanying book, Cosmographiae Introductio, explains that the name was derived from the Latinized version of the explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, Americus Vespucius, in its feminine form, America, as the other continents all have Latin feminine names. Arizona. The native Indians proximate Mexico say they came from the Caribbeaan near Cuba after severe flooding, which could have been due to the glacial melting thousands of years ago. The story as to how America was named is very interesting. So, a land across the “mer” (ocean)is logically called A-MER-ica (land cross the ocean) on old maps and by old-time sailors from England, Ireland, etc., who occasionally confirmed its existence in person. Arabs will swear that the land is Morocco but is only governoed by The United States Co. It’s a weird claim but there is truth behind it. "The Young & the Restless," one of only a handful of surviving soap operas, is still sponsored, in part, by Procter & Gamble under their production company offshoot, Proctor & Gamble Entertainment. All you so called research scholars, worry about your own roots and trace them back to Noah’s Ark and see which pair you belonged too…, This is a blatant bofaced lie that Our “usa” gov has been pushing in the schools to indoctrinate us to believe what they say, but if you are to do your research you will find that Loooooooooooooong before Amerigo Vespucci seen ( not found or discovered ) this land it was here and it was called many things but specifically there was a Formidable town call Amaru named after its king Amaru Khan and that town/city was traversed by europeans to barter and trade and the variations of America went as follows; amaracapana amaraca amaru ameri amarca Amaruca etc. Actually all countries on the continents should be proud that the first independent country in the Americas was called America. How can you be the best when you are the most racist country in the world, a country where people love guns and killing each other, especially killing people of color; a country where all the bad things of the world dwell and thrive like in a fertile land; for instance, drugs, murder, racism and everything bad ever existed. The United State of America is part of the history of the new world and whether you like it or not, it should not be changed. Posted in: History, Maps, Today in History, I am so grateful for the LOC and all the folks who have contributed and work there, for their care and preservation for our US and World History. This blog is governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. Why do white Americans feel the country is their’s? Brazil, a South American country, has not always been known by its current name. The Spanish claimed land from what is now the United States to the north. by The Free Dictionary “America” has been used to name the entire “discovered” land of mass (this belongs to a different topic) for centuries way before United States included in its name. Lastly, and to build on John Mode’s post (#8), the country is NOT named the United States of NORTH America nor it is named the United States of THE AMERICAS and I think that’s significant; i.e. Or using others to get or accomplish what you want or desire, regardless of who or what you have to step on or eliminate to reach that of what you seek to possess. Given that the US was formally constituted in 1776 you can conclude as to what really America is. If you do your research there are only three languages(English, Japanese, Afrikaans). Originally designating a relatively small part of land, the name Europe was adopted in the early Middle Ages to refer to Christian lands on the continent. “of” in this case is a function word that indicates the whole (America) that includes the part denoted by the preceding word (United States). Human rights, slavery; human rights, genocide; potatoes potatoes; I guess it all depends on who’s speaking. The country was named after Richard Ameryk, a Bristol merchant who paid for the voyage of discovery, several years before Vespucci. But Jacox says shortly before the name was to be ratified, lawmakers discovered it was a fraud. In case anyone is interested, these are a few names BEFORE AMERICA. If we tried to translate Que t z al co ATL, in Latin, it might come close to “That which goes to ATL”. The continents' collective name "America" came from a derivation of Amerigo Vespucci's - an Italian explorer - first name. There was a problem. We may call “america” to the United States of America for short, as a nickname, but that doesn’t make it the actual NAME. Visit our corporate site. It is from Ameryk that the name, North America, is derived owing to his sponsorship of the voyagesto Newfoundland, rather than from Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian mapmaker who discovered South America but (1) who never came near North America (2) and who had labeled South America It was seen as likely that there had to be land across any Ocean, including the Atlantic. America was named after the explorer that categorized after Columbus. 11. America. Originally designating a relatively small part of land, the name Europe was adopted in the early Middle Ages to refer to Christian lands on the continent. Then they wanted independence from the people they were running from( England). “…America celebrates its independence. We named ourselves America. Comment and Posting Policy. Thank you for the information. AMEN!!! 03 Apr, 2011 how did. The correct name of this country is the United States of america. THE UNITED STATES IS THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT BELONGS ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT? December 6, 2020 Amnesty India Human rights. On September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress formally declares the name of the new nation to be the “United States” of America. Gadwona. the country could have been simply called America but the inclusion of ‘the united states’ was to show solidarity of the colonies to the British Crown. Especially when you consider that it was originally thought to be the East Indies (or India) by Columbus and other explorers. The border to the south took in most of Central America. “Ame” – meaning “love” or “the love of something”, “Rica(feminine for Rico) – meaning “rich or wealth” or “of the riches”. (Image: © Jon Sullivan via Wikipedia) The naming of America goes to show that it pays to have a good publicist. The name came from Richard Ameryk, the Bristol merchant who employed Italian John Cabot (his English name), and, as was custom at the time, the newly discovered land was called after the surname of the financier of the project. “America”, has never been, “United” as a country! America got it’s name from the Amaru Khans, they where the original people! Top Answer. It’s hard to believe that so many people (mostly South Americans) don’t realize that the entire world does not agree with their contention that”America” is one continent. Columbus would not accept it wasn’t India until the day he died. This land was called the Viceroyalty of New Spain or Nueva Espana. A map created in 1507 has the name America on it and is over Brazil. Gold coin stash from time of Henry VIII found in English garden, Sprawling 8-mile-long 'canvas' of ice age beasts discovered hidden in Amazon rainforest, Archaeologists find vast network of Amazon villages laid out like the cosmos, How to watch the northern lights across far northern US tonight, The strange story of how nuns uncovered 'House of Jesus' in Nazareth, Bees defeat 'murder hornet' relatives with poop. A country that massacred millions in Vietnam and lunched two atomic bombs in japan even though the war was practically won already. ? Reading all these comments, I am disappointed that no-one has picked up on the theory that the name “America” is derived from the discovery of North America by Leif Erikson in about 1000 AD. I think America is also named for Mercia, a region in Anglo-Saxon England from 518? Traitor annihilated a group of people ( indigenous people ) to start a new life. IF UNITED STATES TAKES OVER CANADA NOW CANADA BELONGS IN AMERICA WHEN ITS ALREADY FOUND ON AMERICAN CONTINENT. Of course “America” is the short for the United States of America because it is the only nation in the world that uses the name “America” in its name. And then a German mapmaker decided to call it "America," the Latinized female version of the Italian explorer whose name originated from an 11th century Hungarian saint. You have no legal documents to support that claim, because you ARE U.S. CITIZENS! 2 The country of Mexico was named after its capital city, Mexico City. Asias did too. America got its name from the merger of Northwest Amexum and Northwest Africa. Really senseless argument. Therefore the name America means the Brave Home Ruler. THE REST OF YOU ARE NOT IF YOU CALLED YOURSELF OTHER THAN AN AMERICAN. IF SOMEONE ASKED YOU…YOU COSTA RICAN, BRAZILIAN, MEXICAN, COLOMBIAN, OR AMRICAN? Then why was it not named after him? History tells us, and has done for years, that the name of America came from one Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine transatlantic explorer who was a navigator with Christopher Columbus in 1499, and the first geographer to realise that the Americas were separate continents. A crown jewel in the Library’s cartographic collections is the map, also known as “America’s Birth Certificate.” While the map has been much publicized since it was acquired in 2003, it’s worthy of exploration today of all days. Learn yankis.. This blog does not represent official Library of Congress communications. It might be no surprise then that Hawaii is among Whether it’s called ‘The United State of’ is neither here nor there. America don’t celebrate its independence on 4th July, The US does. My apologies. The most common theory about the origin of America's name is that the country is named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer who reached the New World in 1502. But to think of it another way, which most Americans have and still do: the united states of AMERICA. remove content for any reason whatever, without consent. Historians are not clear what the region was referred to prior to the arrival of Europeans. You can make a lot of money, with slave labor. You people can’t be serious? This name came about because of its definition. I will never claim i am a citizen of the United States again. Records show that, in 1481…”R. And many countries have, over time, changed their names which is their right to do so. Amerike shipped a load of salt (for salting fish) to fishermen in Newfoundland. Variants- Amurika, Amerrica, Amurru, Amaru, Amerruka, You can write a book about the torture. Because all of you self declared scholars have ALL DIFFERENT answers but yet you all did research. Amerrk/Amurruk, it means “land in the west” A two-dimensional globe created by Martin Waldseemüller was the earliest recorded use of the term. Directional words including ‘central’ are … Columbus Or Amerigo Vespucci? Waldseemüller named the new lands “America” on his 1507 map in the recognition of Vespucci’s understanding that a new continent had been uncovered following Columbus’ and subsequent voyages in the late 15th century. – just ‘parts’ of … the word/name next to them. Art The Untold Story of How Argentinian Tango Evolved. When people were living there already ??? No one discovered America. Follow Life's Little Mysteries on Twitter @llmysteries. The USA is in fact one of two countries in North America. It is kind of like parents naming their child “Brazil”. To just totally forget about the history that was here for so long before Columbus and give Amerigo Vespucci the credit for the name is crazy. Once a country gives itself a name this is what it is called just like the name of a person. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. Most of the world thinks of the country as the UNITED STATES of America. How Did Paraguay Get Its Name? Some scholars have picked up the term with a reference to the illegitimacy of colonialism. How bless America. and it was there land. HOW OFTEN YOU REFERENCE YOURSELF AS AN AMERICAN? It is insulting to assume that the inhabitants had no name for the land. Right from how America was discovered to how it developed to be a super power there were several interesting stages. This is what we want to be called. Native Indians spread this fruit, called Ananas, through South and Central America to the West Indies. I really struggle understanding the logic of American politics or North Americans, especially when they vote a Psychopath to be president. However, some have suggested other explanations, including being named after a mountain range in Nicaragua, or after Richard Amerike of Bristol. This is the reason there’s 33,000 religions! Squashes are one of the oldest known crops–10,000 years by some estimates of sites in Mexico. Explore the 15th century story of John Cabot and Richard Amerike. Sometimes referred to as the Pineapple State for its iconic produce or the Youngest State because it was the last to join the Union, Hawaii's official "popular name" was adopted in 1959, the same year it became a state. There is also Central America and Latin America. Example Africa was renamed after Scipio Aficanus! Nonsense! In contrast to anything in the old world. About | Press | Jobs | Donate
Why not say that! This guy. So you have to understand that most likely they would name this “New World” something in their own native language, that which being Spanish. On September 9, 1776, the Continental Congress formally declares the name of the new nation to be the “United States” of America. Being the name “America” more suggestive and evocative (it’s a female name, unlike “USA” which just sounds colder) it’s also an easier name on which to build a foundation for a godless, nationalistic religion, with the flag as its religious symbol (similar to the cross in Christianity), the anthem as a religious hymn (people get mad when you kneel during that…), the military as their priests (I even heard a UFC fighter, unironically nicknamed “Captain America”, years ago say after a fight that USA soldiers are the second coming of Christ on earth and that they are “dying for our sins”…), and the various presidents as the delegates of some kind of “God” on earth which “bless America” (and look down on the rest of the world, obviously, as the “America/God” religion is seen by its followers as a religious “truth”, just like the “american exceptionalism” dogma loved by both Democrats and Republicans, even though pretty much every country in the world is “exceptional” in its own way). 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