https: The grace of God, in this connection, is not the love of God, but the influence of the Holy Spirit considered as an unmerited favor. Augustine, Luther, Wesley, Whitfield, ,etc., reveal the same principle. Which was with me] Present with me, not which did work with me, as the Synergists would have it. ἀλλά] introduces the great contrast to οὐ κενὴ ἐγεν., valued highly by Paul, even in the depth of his humility, as against the impugners of his apostolic position; and introduces it with logical correctness, for περισσότερον … ἐκοπίασα is the result of the grace. I. The “I” within him was regenerated. Do you suppose I dare review it and pronounce ‘that is all mine: I did it’? ... Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:10, Psalm 127:1â2. I venture to affirm that there is no power known, either to thinkers, or philanthropists, or doctrinaires, or strivers after excellence in the world-no power known and available which will lift a life to such heights of beauty and self-sacrificing nobility, as will the power that comes to us by communication of the grace that is in Jesus Christ. Meyer prefers the latter, on account of τοῖς ἀπ. Rienecker and Rogers (p440) defined it as "work to the point of exhaustion" and this term can describe both mental and physical labor. BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. Certainly nothing could be more unlikely than the choice of such a man to such a work. σὺν ἐμοί. https: All his eminent attainments, and all his super-abundant labours, were fruits of the same electing love, and the same effectual grace. Regeneration does not destroy this individuality. Rev., better, was not found: did not turn out to be. And precisely here Paul’s gospel comes in, ‘By the grace of God I am what I am.’ That grace, considered in its two sides of love and of giving, supplies all that we want. The only harm is in his thinking that because he can, he is a very fine fellow, and that the work itself is a great work; and so setting himself up above his brethren. Daily devotional with John Piper. He became an eminent apostle of Christ. III. there are many of you, I believe, who have more or less spasmodically and interruptedly, but with a continual recurrence to the effort, sought to plant your feet firmly in the paths of righteousness, and have more or less failed. The efficacious aids of this Divine power are also manifest, not only in enlarging the faculties of reason, and adding a luminous distinction to the acuter determinations of the judgment, but also in directing our choice to proper objects and fixing the affections on heavenly pursuits. "Commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:10". "Commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:10". they who say with the Apostle, “By the grace of God I am what I am;” or those who say, “By my own strength, and on account of my own superior goodness, I am what I am?” Who, I say, are the proud? Without the efficacious operations of the Holy Spirit our prayers will be languid and formal, our devotions careless and insipid, and our lives irregular and unholy. Desire to promote spiritual welfare of others. Yet while he would claim much in comparison with other apostles, he has no claim to make in competition with God’s grace. We see the positive and negative poles of the same attractive nobleness in Christ Himself. The oldest manuscripts omit “which was.” The “not I, but grace,” implies, that though the human will concurred with God when brought by His Spirit into conformity with His will, yet “grace” so preponderated in the work, that his own co-operation is regarded as nothing, and grace as virtually the sole agent. Yet though I am not what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say I am not what I once was--a slave to sin and Satan; and I can heartily join with the apostle, and acknowledge, “By the grace of God I am what I am.’”, We must ever keep in mind that we are only channels for grace, we are not even pools and reservoirs, we must have a continual supply of Divine gifts. 1 Corinthians: Epistle of the 21st Century. St Paul is willing to admit his personal inferiority to the other Apostles, but such willingness does not lead him to make a similar admission regarding his work. in vain. Come with your heart aflame. ‘His hand hath laid the foundation of the house, His hand shall also finish it.’ He who is Himself the foundation-stone is also the headstone of the corner, which is brought forth with shouting of ‘Grace! 10. χάριτι δὲ θεοῦ. Aug 27, 2018. ].” If once we have a good hope, that we are of “the chosen generation, and of God’s peculiar people,” we shall exert ourselves to “shew forth in every possible way the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness into his marvellous light [Note: 1 Peter 2:9.].”. 1 Corinthians 15:58; Philippians 2:16; 1 Thessalonians 3:5. This was no criticism of the others. 2. You may try to sway him by motives of advantage and self-interest, and to thunder into his ears the pealing words of duty and right and ‘ought,’ and there is no adequate response. Surely this, that for all you who have, in any measure, caught a glimpse of what you ought to be, and have been more or less vainly trying to realise your ideal, and reach your goal, there is a better way than the way of self-centred and self-derived and self-dependent effort. Peter was fitted to minister to the circumcision and Paul to the Gentiles. But I labored, &c.; that is, this grace was effectual in leading me to labor. He did not ignore self. or is a deeper sense of obligation to God likely to produce in any mind a less disposition to fulfil his will? If God was able to take one of the foremost persecutors of the church and turn him into a "chosen vessel" ( Acts 9:15), He can also do great things through us, if we are willing. When she was dying she found abundant supply of dying grace. Theologically, there is no difference in these different modes of statement. Paul yielded himself to the grace that was brought to work upon him. I will leave other people to say what that is. ‘By the grace of God I am-what I am.’. The glory of my achievement is the very thing that convinces me of my own nothingness. That is,—the Grace of God worked with him in so overwhelming a measure, compared to his own working, that it was no longer the work of himself but of divine Grace. No. “God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” Let us see that we open our hearts to the reception of these quickening and cleansing influences, for it is possible for us to cover ourselves over with such an impenetrable covering that that grace cannot pass through it. "But by the grace of God I am what I am"-despite his past, God had graciously called him. If Christ be in you, you are “a new creature.” Your features are the same, though sweetened or calmed, perhaps, by the peace of God; your intellect is the same, though quickened by the new life of faith and hope. Matthew 10:20; 1 Corinthians 3:9; 2 Corinthians 6:1; Philippians 2:12-13). 1878. If cheerful, you are still cheerful; and if born with tendencies to melancholy, you will still contend with the temptation to despondency. After Paul learned about the gospel and embraced God's grace, he "laboured more abundantly than they all." 1 Corinthians 16. The man of God is justified in the profession, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” From first to last it was throughout the work of His grace that made you what you are. This sounds paradoxical, but man himself is a paradox. II. Although the letter covers many topics, the dominant theme is of unity for the purpose of advancing the gospel. In its source, it is supposed to spring from pride; and in its tendency to lead to a total disregard of all moral virtue. ‘God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.’ Let us see that we open our hearts to the reception of these quickening and cleansing influences, for it is possible for us to cover ourselves over with such an impenetrable covering that that grace cannot pass through it. sins, all lead him to say “I”; his dependence on his mother’s love, etc., leads him to feel “Not I.”. https: ]; or those who assert that they were selected because they were of a finer quality than the mass that was left behind? "Commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:10". 1871-8. I. 1863-1878. But here I must point out an error, namely, the habit of satisfying ourselves with the reduction of some lusts, while we indemnify the deceitful heart by the indulgence of others; and thus the whole labour is rendered in vain. He ascribes them to the same grace of God by which he was made a Christian and an apostle. BibliographySimeon, Charles. Till Jesus bows His head in death, we, the living members of His mystic body, can never droop nor fail. You Corinthians may judge what the product is. BibliographyBarnes, Albert. No, I worked harder than all of themâyet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.â they who acknowledge themselves to be only as parts of one vast mass of clay, of which the potter, agreeably to his own sovereign will, and for the praise of the glory of his own grace, has taken a part, to form of it a vessel of honour for his own use [Note: Romans 9:21. Thank You for the example of Paul who has helps us to understand that it is not the labour of my hand that is reckoned as righteousness.. but the grace of God that is with me and working through me.. that words the work of God. That the wonderful grace shown to Saul the persecutor is well adapted to excite hope in the worst of sinners, and encourage them in supplicating Divine mercy. So, dear brethren, although it is a very homely piece of advice, and may seem to be beneath the so-called dignity of the pulpit, let me venture just to remind you that self-conceit is no disease peculiar to the ten-talented people, but is quite as rife, if not a good deal rifer, among those with one talent. Paul, an apostle and bond-servant of Christ, was prepared to work tirelessly for the Lord Who bought Him, with His own precious blood. No matter who came across His path, Jesus showed love in ways that changed the world forever. It was not ineffectual and fruitless--“not in vain” (Isaiah 55:11; Acts 20:24; 2 Corinthians 6:1). https: The planks had all been taken up, so that nothing remained except the string-pieces, which were stretched from one side to the other of the chasm. but I laboured — by God‘s grace (Philemon 2:16). 1832. This of course happened on the day of Pentecost when the Christian Church was born and the Holy Spirit came to permanently indwell and work through all Christians. II. They are very humble when it comes to work, and are quite contented to wrap the one talent up in a napkin then; but when it comes to self-assertion, or what they expect to receive of recognition from others, they need to be reminded quite as much as their betters in endowment-’By the grace of God I am what I am.’. Copyright StatementThe Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament. 'Aleph (') B Delta G omit "which was." 1 Corinthians 15:10. He owed all to God. Paul"s apostolic calling was a gracious gift from God. the grace of God which was with me. 1685. Paul said, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” This man, because he knew that he had submitted himself to the often painful searching, crucifying, self-restraining, and stimulating influences of the gospel and Spirit of Christ, could say, “God’s grace has made me what I am, and I helped Him to make me.” And can you say anything like that? 2. The passions of love, hope, and fear are the springs of universal obedience; and these, when directed to proper objects, regulate and amend the conduct. May I do all to Your praise and glory. 1 Corinthians 13 is known for being the 'Love Chapter' and is quoted often in many weddings, mine included. Stephen Witmer Nov 17, 2016 6.1K Shares Message Excerpt. That a great change had been wrought in him. If he had, man might have rendered the offices of the Spirit of grace unnecessary. We may have been labouring in our own strength to conform to the image of Christ, and yet our repeated failures in the attempt have not humbled us to the confession, “This thing is too high for me.” If so, then let us believe it, and accept the Word of God, “No man cometh unto the Father but by Me”; and on the other hand, “No man can come unto Me, except the Father, who hath sent Me, draw him.” There is the mutual co-operation between the Father and Son. Instead, they were motivated to serve God all the more, seeing that He had graciously forgiven them. Not in vain—He was, he says, (Acts 26:19,) “not disobedient unto the heavenly vision.”. Without God and the power of His word, all this labor would be in vain. Watson. What I am - occupying the honourable office of an apostle. And his grace which was bestowed on me was not found to be vain, but I laboured more abundantly than all of them, and yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.'. ἡ εἰς ἐμέ] which was (manifested) towards me: see ref. 1700 28th Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508. Didst thou not earn it? He knew well who was working with him, and understood perfectly the grandeur of the campaign on which he had entered. https: Rather than being useless, God's grace in Paul's life "was prodigiously effective" (ibid). (Hebrews 10:29 "and has insulted the Spirit of grace? Ninety-nine chances out of a hundred were against you, and God gave you that hundredth, and by His grace you are what you are. We scarcely know which is the more striking--Paul’s individuality or his self-negation. But we who have lived under the light of the gospel, and been encouraged from our infancy to revere its doctrines and laws, have no more warrant to look for any immediate and palpable manifestation of Divine power to convert us from sin to holiness, than to expect the gifts of prophecy or of tongues. III. Are you daily being baptized in that Spirit, searched by that Spirit, condemned by that grace? Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. Galatians 1:15. χάριτι] has the principal emphasis, hence again ἡ χάρις αὐτοῦ. 1905-1909. ].”, Through the whole of his subsequent life the mercies vouchsafed to him must be traced to the same source. It is our duty to avoid every pursuit which may divide us from God or lessen our love of practical holiness. "Commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:10". 3. His might is our strength, His resources our never-failing supply. How much of it has been shot through and through, so to speak, by the fiery darts of that cleansing, warming, consuming grace of God? Type. ‘The grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain,’ says Paul. A video circulating on the Internet showed a huge black Labrador whose owner, a soldier, had just returned from an extended term of service. 1 Corinthians 12:12â13. There are criminals of every description to-day whose early tendencies were as good as yours, and who had as favourable a chance as you had of making upright citizens. https: All noble life is a building up by slow degrees from the foundation. He needs the very best and finest instruments for such a task; and if you have any power of hand or brain, of body or mind; if you have high motives astir and kindling hopes; if you have youth and health, and force and joy; then here, in Christ, is their noblest use; in Him they will find their freedom. In the annual regeneration of the visible creation, in the plumage and song of the bird, and in the renewing verdure of field and garden, we see pictured the unity yet beautiful variety which prevails in the world which God has made. 1 Corinthians 2:1. 1 Corinthians 15:10. χάριτι, by grace) alone.— ὅ εἰμι, what I am) i.e. John Trapp Complete Commentary. Paul had something in the acts he had done considered as a man, but yet so little, as in these spiritual acts he denieth his own efficiency, and attributeth all to Divine grace, either exciting him to his actions, or preventing, or working in and with him, and assisting him, and giving him all that success he had had. God in me. BibliographyRobertson, A.T. "Commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:10". Verse10 is consistent with what Jesus said in Luke 7:41-43. Elements are mingled, shall I put off mortality, and I would cleave to can... Of practical holiness a conviction which comes with experience not the world on fire.—It came create. 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