To appear on. There are six main branches of engineering: Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Management, and Geotechnical. Easiest: Psychology, business (I think everything except finance courses in the business school are a joke), any social science major… You can enjoy the deep thinking involved in philosophy, while also learning skills in another area. Get everything you need to have your best year ever at Target. /gallops off on high horse. Number one on our list of hardest engineering majors is Civil Engineering. Ranking Engineering Departments by Difficulty. You won't find such a list because Clemson doesn't publish one--officially it doesn't exist. Some schools have a reputation for being among the hardest colleges, depending on their academic requirements. If you’re not a math guru – or at least someone who likes math – you will likely struggle in this field. We’ve compiled our list based on averages with the aim of giving you a general idea of which fields are the hardest college major options for most students. I need some idea, you can do this by ranking. An average starting salary for a qualified engineer is around $54,000. Having to be this good with numbers and future thinking also puts this in the running for hardest college major. Chemistry graduates can choose from a number of career paths, including education, research, medicine, pharmaceuticals, nursing, and law. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. With these conditions in place let’s try to separate the easiest majors from the hardest. Engineering… That being said, when you take a look at things from a strictly statistical view, we can take a look at which degrees are mathematically the toughest. You will develop strong analytical and writing skills, valuable in many professional positions and in life. By Maclean's September 8, 2018. Get updates from U.S. News including newsletters, rankings announcements, new features and special offers. Economics involves studying individual, household, and organizational behavior related to markets and finance. Studying physics covers everything from the universe and the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. To compile our list of majors/degrees, we looked at the subjects with the lowest average GPAs. Finance, banking, and business are constantly changing, so continual reading and education in the field becomes a must once you start working. Let's have a look at the top ten hardest degrees. They often become well-known analysts, sharing their knowledge via interviews or their own writing. Excelling in this area requires skills in math, different sciences, English, problem-solving, and teamwork. Biomedical Engineering. In general, we found that chemistry was the hardest major out there. Petroleum engineering. A bachelor’s in math may seem a bit generic, but it’s actually quite flexible. Not really an option in chemistry and biology. Chemical Engineering. Another thing that affects the hardest engineering major ranking is the actual school future engineers are attending. University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign. Many specializations you can choose from! This may not seem like one of the hardest college majors, but it requires retaining and understanding a lot of concepts. Copyright 2007-2020. The latest mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering ranking sees 61 top universities in the US feature among the world’s top 300 schools for this subject area, again led by MIT (which has also been also been ranked 1 st in the overall QS World University Rankings® five times in a row). Civil Engineering and Computer related Engineering 4. You can find employment in government, business, international trade, and beyond. Medical Engineering What are the top 10 hardest college majors? Engineers take up three of the five spots on this list of hardest working college majors, with chemical engineers being the hardest working of all. Civil. If you hate math, then engineering majors will be the hardest majors for you. 0 1. That being said, there are a few factors that could make one major seem harder than another, such as: Because of the rigorous courses in mathematics and the sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) majors are generally considered hard. thanks. Tier A: Electrical, Chemical, Computer Science. CollegeVine’s Top 10 Hardest Majors 1. It’s great that you understand all the consequences of this decision. 0. Average GPA: 3.35 2. 0 0. Apr 17, 2006 #12 Arts Spoiler. The difficulty of a program will vary by university. The hardest degrees depend largely on individual students and their strengths, but generally, the hardest college majors require many prerequisite courses and extensive in-person requirements, like internships and labs. Here are the 20 best engineering programs in Canada for 2019. Here, we give you some insight into what your peers are choosing by showing you the most popular majors across colleges in America. Obviously, these hardest majors aren’t for everyone. If I don't remember an equaiton in physics i can usually just re-derive it. The difficult thing about chemical engineering is that it combines complex engineering... 3. The decision of what to major in is, well, major. We are providing these averages so that you’ll have a reasonable idea of the difficulty of the fields. Which is completely valid, there’s no such thing as an easy degree and each comes with its own difficulties. CollegeVine’s Top 10 Hardest Majors 1. Mathematician ranked the #2 Best Job, noting the “very good work environment, very low-stress level and very good projected growth.”. Engineering specifically, and within that mechanical engineering, has a top six admissions average minimum for the program of 95%.” Dorward and University Hub co-CEO Joel Nicholson further help break down the top five most difficult undergrad programs to be accepted in Canada—purely from a perspective of acceptance rates and entrance averages: 5. We’ve compiled a list of the 10 hardest majors based on average GPA. Get answers about the college application process. Engineering is one of the hardest college majors because it covers a broad range of challenging subjects, including mathematics, the sciences, and technology. Students who were chemistry majors had a lower retention rate and GPA when compared to other college majors. Architecture, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry are the most difficult majors in the nation, according to new research. It’s generally harder to find employment outside of teaching without another area of expertise. Careers in philosophy are scarce, so many students pair the subject with a more marketable area of study or a minor. College Major: Chemical Engineering. Which engineering major you think is the hardest/easiest? 20 Hardest Majors in College 1. Everyone’s got a place at the table at the best colleges! Duties may involve keeping irregular and extended hours. 2Bed. The best colleges in the United States and the lowest ranked could yield different GPAs, but these are the averages. They spend an average of 19.66 hours studying each week. Get ahead of the curve with our SAT/ACT test prep. (Less glamorous, but you’ll still make good money! You’ll read the ideas of famous philosophers in your classes and develop theories of your own as you spend hours debating with classmates and colleagues. You have the ability to find employment in a number of different industries. Students who were chemistry majors had a lower retention rate and GPA when compared to other college majors. I figure we could whip up a pretty crude one. In this area, you will take a lot of math and statistics classes and do plenty of critical thinking and synthesizing of data – so it’s most definitely hard! I'm not sayin' we're the smartest kids, but we definitely get the biggest work load and nuttiest topics. You can find employment with only a bachelor’s degree. Among the two subsects of engineering degrees you can get online that made our list, civil engineering was deemed the most difficult for its advanced prerequisites in chemistry, physics, calculus, statistics, geology, and biology. Aerospace engineering. But in the end, you will likely earn top dollar. #9: Bioengineering. You might wonder, why would anyone look for the hardest college majors? They include hard work, formulas, calculus, and designing. Computer engineering is the sixth hardest engineering major. Aeronautical Engineering – this major is on every top 10 hardest college majors list, and for good reason. By average Grade Point Average, the fields include: Note that average GPAs vary somewhat depending on the university, program requirements, and the type of school (public university, private university, liberal arts school, trade school, etc.). Average GPA: 3.2 Average Weekly Study Hours: 22 Predicted 20-Year ROI: $850,000 If you love to... 3. Pride when you make a big discovery or invention. You might not even consider this one of the hardest majors. Along with these, it demands creativity while keeping in mind an understanding of the modern social, cultural, and practical demands. Hardest Engineering Major Ranking. The hardest college majors are definitely worth trying, but you have to be prepared to study more than usual. Chemistry. And it’s worth it. 10 Easiest Engineering Degrees to Get a Job Published on January 17, 2018 at 8:20 am by Aleksandar Jevtic in Lists Share Tweet Email Normal Hours Spent Preparing for Class Each Week: 19.24. Not surprisingly, mathematics takes second place for hardest college major. The Hardest. Archived. You guys asked for it! Tier C: MSE, Industrial, Marine/Naval. So why do people consider economics a difficult major? You will take courses in Chemistry, Calculus, Statistics, Physics, and other subjects, and many smart students struggle for passing grades. ), this subject has the highest rate of C grades and the lowest rate of A grades. A pretty flexible program and pairs well for a. For those of you who are still exploring different fields of interest, you might also find this article discussing quick degrees helpful. The undergraduate engineering program rankings were based solely on peer assessment surveys. Chemical engineering. You’ll do a lot of hands-on learning in the lab, making new discoveries and advancing our understanding of everything that’s living. Compare the most selective colleges with the lowest acceptance rates and highest SAT/ACT test scores. Here are some of the many major degrees available: Some of these degrees are highly specialized, of course, and may only have classes at the graduate level, or only at certain schools in certain regions. Material Science. Hours of sleep: 6.25. Reply. The University of Chicago had an acceptance rate of 8 percent and an SAT range of 1480-1580. Engineering is one of the hardest college majors because it covers a broad range of challenging subjects, including mathematics, the sciences, and technology. Average Hours Spent Preparing for Class Each Week: 18.06. December 2nd, 2020 by & filed under Uncategorized. Hardest Engineering Majors: The Ultimate Guide by Jason Patel of You want to become an engineer. I'm not sayin' we're the smartest kids, but we definitely get the biggest work load and nuttiest topics. Most courses will relate directly to your future profession, so you’ll likely skip developing other interests like art or writing. Predicted 20-Year ROI: $382,000 We have chosen Chemistry as our #1 hardest major because of its low... 2. Chemical Engineering. Predicted 20-Year ROI: $382,000 We have chosen Chemistry as our #1 hardest major because of its low... 2. IMO, Engineering is the hardest major. Lindsay's writing focuses on adults going back to college, higher education trends, and online learning. College Compass » Get instant online access to full rankings and complete school data. Students spend hours in a classroom to learn new material and earn good grades to prepare for their future job. In descending order of difficulty, hardest on top, easiest on bottom: Chemical. If you hate math, then engineering majors will be the hardest majors for you. The following is the list of hardest majors, from the least hard to the hardest. You will put in long hours in the lab analyzing data and compiling reports, take the toughest classes in math and the sciences, and just generally work hard for your degree. You will spend a lot of time in the lab testing and re-testing theories. The most popular major among Duke undergrads is computer science and 83% of students study more than just one major. And you can even become an astronautical engineer. You could be a part of significant, life-changing discoveries, such as curing cancer or developing sustainable energy solutions. The undergraduate engineering program rankings were based solely on peer assessment surveys. Not everyone gets hired by Silicon Valley companies. These programs are split into two groups: schools whose highest engineering degree offered is a doctorate and schools whose highest engineering degree offered is a bachelor's or master's. Source(s): You will focus on the composition of matter, including all structures, properties, and reactions. A Chemistry major will overlap somewhat with biology, but chemistry extends beyond living things. You may need a more advanced education when looking for a job outside of the lab or teaching arenas, which means more hours spent getting your education. Of course, majors here have a lower GPA, which shows how difficult it is to pass these degree programs. One of the … The field can deliver plenty of excitement, with daily hours of hands-on exploration. And for those of you who are interested in choosing the best major for getting your bachelor’s quickly, read this page. Five different branches of engineering are included in the subject rankings but there’s one clear favorite with readers as mechanical, aeronautical & manufacturing engineering comes out on top. A variety of occupational paths, such as working in laboratories, conducting field research or teaching at the secondary or post-secondary level. ), Literally hundreds of areas you could go into. Home » Articles » Top 14 Hardest Majors to Study in Malaysian Universities Posted By Editor on Nov 20, 2016 Studying in Malaysia is becoming a thing of choice … #11: Mechanical Engineering. Making No.3 on our list of the hardest college degree is aero and astronautical engineering. It's better to choose a major you are partially skilled at least. Introducing the 13 Hardest College Majors. quick and easy university majors that pay well, 2021 Best Online PhD in Industrial Organizational Psychology Programs, 10 Best Online Doctorate in Project Management [PhD & DBA Guide], 2021 Best Online Masters in Forensic Psychology Graduate Programs, 2021 Best Online PhD in Child Psychology Programs, 2021 Best Online PhD in Forensic Psychology [2021 Guide], Philosophy and Religion Teacher, Postsecondary, Technology and Information Systems Manager. Everyone at some point will likely feel their own degree is the hardest out there. Thread Hardest and easiest Engineering majors. Studying graphs, charts, and spreadsheets every day becomes a little dry. Regardless of the economy, financial and accounting services will always in high demand. But that’s a good thing, right? The above mentioned list of 20 hardest college majors might include some fields which are easy for you but not for everyone. Posted December 2nd, 2020 by & filed under Uncategorized. Replies (26) Share: 0 2. Electrical/Computer. There is simply WAY too much to remember for me in those classes. Mechanical engineering. Chemistry. The coursework is extremely demanding, but comes with a versatile degree, providing you job opportunities in scientific research, business, finance, technology, and engineering. Is the school requiring more Calculus credits harder? Depending on the school, a requirement might be completing four semesters of Calculus (a tough subject!). If you’re up for the challenge, check out these hard majors with promising futures! Waterloo Warrior fans (Waterloo) Additionally, engineers bear high responsibility for their projects and must know how to coordinate workers. The reason why this does not rank higher: due to the sheer number of courses available, it is easy to coast through. About the Ads. Chemical Engineering (mostly maths) 5. Economics students can land in business, technology, government, and finance, for example. And it's your choice in which branch you interested. The three most difficult two-year degrees and technical school fields are engineering technologies, medical technologies and nursing, according to Degree Directory, and the hardest graduate-level majors are speciality engineering, mathematics, law, medicine (including veterinary and dentistry) and theoretical physics. Geologists explore the history of our planet and use their knowledge as they make predictions about future earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) In looking for what the "hardest" engineering department was here I wasn't able to find any sort of definitive list. Remember, the most difficult college majors for you will mostly stem from your lack of interest and natural talent for a subject. Jones New Orleans Saints Fan Member since Oct 2005 79987 posts. Removed. You could work for a large insurance corporation, for Google, or for the CIA – your skills will find use in a wide variety of industries! 10+ Year … Consider software programming, mathematics, ethics, linguistics, physics, or life sciences. Since many biology students plan to go into the medical field, professors prepare students for the rigors of medical school, making this a very demanding subject. Here, we give you some insight into what your peers are choosing by showing you the most popular majors across colleges in America. Posted by 3 years ago. Explore these popular jobs for engineering majors. CollegeVine’s Top 10 Hardest Majors 1. 8 years ago. The courses will include frequent testing, which could present an extra challenge for some students. Huge! California Do Not Sell My Personal Information Request. For 13 years, has been dedicated to helping students like you finish your degree faster. With skills like these, you could work in patent law, software development, animation, financial analysis, economics, cybersecurity, market research, astronomy or any number of fields. because you get … Individuals with this degree can transition into a variety of fields, becoming doctors, lawyers, technical writing professionals, teachers, and businessmen/women. The Hardest Engineering Majors: A Detailed Guide for Overachievers Electrical Engineering. Karina 07 Membership Revoked. Ask Question + 100. November 13, 2019 November 21, 2019 Arinze Anakor 18 Comments easiest college degrees, hardest engineering degree, hardest engineering field, hardest undergraduate degree in the world, hardest university courses, hardest working degrees, most difficult professional course in the world, top 10 hardest degrees to study This means it tops the list for hardest college majors. I’ve also accounted for the increasing competitiveness of Aerospace Engineering and decreasing competition for Civil and Petroleum Engineering. Know how to coordinate workers but no matter which you choose, you might need more! Too much to remember for me in those classes infrastructure they design roads! Average by subject area area requires skills in all these areas are hard to come by or trusted partner and! An engineer ability to find any sort of definitive list courses in chemistry, math, people just... 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