MSRP: $624.00 Was: $624.00 Now: $434.00. Sale Silencerco Octane 4k Review And Silencerco Omega Suppressor Hybrid Silencerc SilencerCo, Octane 45K Pistol Suppressor, 45 ACP, 6.85" Threads, Aluminum and Stainless Steel, 12.1 oz, Hard Coat Anodized Finish Out of Stock . The Octane ™ is a user maintainable, multi-caliber centerfire pistol silencer featuring a modular mounting system for use across a wide range of hosts. - Omega 45K - SPEQ Program SPEQ PROGRAM OFFERS A SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT ON SILENCERCO PRODUCTS TO CURRENT AND RETIRED MILITARY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, AND FIRST RESPONDERS. That’s why I think it is a great first suppressor. ... SilencerCo. DO I... On Sale! The convenience and versatility of this condensed modular suppressor stands alone. SilencerCo OCTANE 45K BLK NO PISTON. Check out our full SIlencerCo Omega 45k review at Out of stock. SilencerCo. During checkout you may choose or enter your local Class 3 dealer where your items will be shipped. Mile High Shooting Accessories (MHSA) will only ship suppressors to Class III FFL holders. SilencerCo Octane 45K Pistol Suppressor, 45 ACP, 6.85″ Threads, Aluminum and Stainless Steel, 12.1 oz, Hard Coat Anodized Finish SU1273. Durable enough for extended use on sub-machine guns, the Omega 45K the smallest, lightest, and quietest silencer in it's class. The over-pressure event of firing a handgun is one of the most challenging aspects of mastering the short gun for many shooters. require(['jquery','owl.carousel/owl.carousel.min'],function($){jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('').on('click',function(){jQuery('.input-search-zipcode').val('');});jQuery('').on('click',function(){jQuery('#search-by-state-name').val('');});if(jQuery(".catalog-product-view .dealer-reviews > a").html()=="undefined Reviews"){jQuery(".dealer-reviews > a").html("0 Reviews")}jQuery('.reset-dealers').insertAfter('.footer-bt-links');if(jQuery("body").hasClass("customer-account-logoutsuccess")){var getUrl=window.location;var baseUrl=getUrl.protocol+"//""/";var loginUrl=baseUrl+'customer/account/login/';jQuery("ul.header .authorization-link > a").attr('href',loginUrl)}$("#banner-slider-demo-1").owlCarousel({items:1,autoplay:true,autoplayTimeout:5000,autoplayHoverPause:true,dots:true,nav:true,navRewind:true,animateIn:'fadeIn',animateOut:'fadeOut',loop:true,navText:["",""]});$("#new_product .owl-carousel").owlCarousel({autoplay:false,autoplayTimeout:5000,autoplayHoverPause:true,loop:true,navRewind:true,rewindSpeed:0,margin:30,nav:true,navText:["",""],responsive:{0:{items:1},640:{items:2},768:{items:3},992:{items:3},1200:{items:4}}});$("#bottom_category.owl-carousel").owlCarousel({autoplay:false,autoplayTimeout:5000,autoplayHoverPause:true,loop:true,navRewind:true,margin:0,nav:true,dots:false,navText:["",""],responsive:{0:{items:2},640:{items:3},768:{items:4},992:{items:4},1200:{items:6}}});});jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function(){setTimeout(function(){jQuery('.product-info-main').addClass('price-show')},1000);});jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery('#banner-slider-demo-1 .item').each(function(){var imgPath=jQuery(this).find('img').attr("src");jQuery(this).css('background-image','url('+imgPath+')');});});}); Always FREE Shipping and NO TRANSFER FEES! Based off the original Octane series by SilencerCO, the Octane 2.0 is a revised and upgraded version of the original. If you are looking for a suppressor for sale, this is one of the best in the market for 2017. At 9.5 ounces, the Octane K 45 provides an option for those looking for a minimalist profile without… SilencerCo Octane 45, Pistol Suppressor, 45ACP, 8.50″, 17-4 PH Stainless Steel, Aluminum and Stainless Steel, Hard Coat Anodized SU588. It holds its own against both the Silencerco Osprey 45 and the AAC Ti-RANT 45 - giving users another .45 option that is hearing safe when used dry. Note: Due to federal law, silencers and other Title II Firearms cannot be shipped directly to homes and must be transferred to an in state Dealer. SilencerCo. .account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details tr.firearm-blk+tr+tr{border-bottom:1px solid #d8d8d8}.account.dealerprice-dealer-mycustomerorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details tr.firearm-blk+tr+tr{border-bottom:none}.account .orders-history .order-section-details .assignedcustomer span{display:inline-block;float:left;margin-right:5px;font-weight:500}.account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details .assignedcustomer a:hover{text-decoration:underline}.account.dealerprice-dealer-myorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details span{font-size:15px}.account.dealerprice-dealer-myorders .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-details{font-weight:500;font-size:16px}.account .block-orders-history .table-wrapper.orders-history .order-section-head table thead tr.firearm-blk th.firearm-item span 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Innovative, high strength, stainless steel CTA ™ (Click Together Assembly) baffles are easily disassembled for cleaning and make the Octane the most durable pistol suppressor on the market. SilencerCo Omega 36M Suppressor. SilencerCo’s Octane 45K can offers the same user-serviceability and pioneering baffle design as its big brother, but in a compact package (6.85”). Description; Description. Quick view Out of Stock. The SilencerCo Omega™ 45K is an exceptionally versatile suppressor. SWR Octane 45 HD Review; SWR Octane 45 HD Review. Quick view. With the fully welded, tubeless, minimalist Omega 45K, big sound suppression now comes in a tiny footprint. Have no dishonorable discharge. Out of stock Compare. - Octane 9 2.0 - SPEQ Program Available at, please visit 24 hours a day 7 days a week! Note: Due to federal law, silencers and other Title II Firearms cannot be shipped directly to homes and must be transferred to an in state Dealer. CA allows class 3 dealers and class two manufacturers to possess suppressors. The SilencerCo Omega™ 45K is an exceptionally versatile suppressor and is the smallest, lightest, and quietest silencer in its class. Compare. Overall, the Octane 45 HD is among the top .45 suppressors currently on the market. MSRP: $865.00 Our Price: $675.00 Save 21% * This item qualifies for Easy Pay . With a new sleek outer design, the Octane 2.0 will turn some heads at the range! Reviews (0) The Octane™ is a user maintainable, multi-caliber centerfire pistol silencer featuring a modular mounting system for use across a wide range of hosts. The NFA rules/laws are posted through the BATF website. Out of stock. ! SilencerCo’s Octane 45K can offers the same user-serviceability and pioneering baffle design as its big brother, but in a compact package (6.85”). SilencerCo, Octane 2.0, Suppressor, 45 ACP, Black Finish . The only drawback to using the 45 model with smaller calibers is that you lose a couple of decibels of sound reduction because it has a bigger hole in the front. SilencerCo is dedicated to creating products that will improve sound reduction levels, durability and longevity, form and function, ease of use and maintenance in ways never thought of or achieved. OCTANE 45K Engineered for those interested in the shortest hearing safe version of the SilencerCo Octane 45. Quick view. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Categories: Pistol, Suppressors. The SilencerCo Octane 45 can be used with smaller calibers too, like this Glock 26 9mm. The SilencerCo Octane 45 is a full-auto rates silencer for .22LR to .45 ACP. SKU: SU2254 UPC: 8.16E+11 Availability: In stock if you can add to your cart! But we buy silencers to, well, suppress sound (we all know they typically don’t silence anything). The Osprey ™ is the lightest, quietest, and only multicaliber polygonal centerfire pistol silencer on the market. SilencerCo is dedicated to creating products that will improve sound reduction levels, durability and longevity, form and function, ease of use and maintenance in ways never thought of or achieved. (No reviews yet) Write a Review. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Customer Review & Up & Up & Up & Up .
Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. within the NFA forums, part of the Gun Forum category; Went to my LGS yesterday to pick up my new Vepr AK74 and as I walked in one of the owners exclaimed "Hey! Comments Required. During checkout you may choose or enter your local Class 3 dealer where your items will be shipped. Shop Today!! SilencerCo. $699.99. SilencerCo rates it at the following: 300 BLK is 119.5 dB, 5.56mm is 130.1 dB, and 7.62mm is 133.9 dB. For example, I bought the SilencerCo Octane 45 specifically, so I could use it with .45 ACP, .40 S&W, 9mm, .380 ACP and even some 300 AAC Blackout loads. The convenience and versatility of this impressive modular suppressor is something to behold, so take advantage of this golden opportunity to own a piece of history. The Octane K 45 features a dark grey Cerakote finish to reduce their visual signature compared to traditional black anodizing. OUR PICK FOR TOP PISTOL SUPPRESSOR OF 2020! The SilencerCo Omega™ 45K is an exceptionally versatile suppressor. Magnum rated and able to handle 300BLK supersonic rounds, this suppressor is versatile and compact. DO I... On Sale! Review this product. The convenience and versatility of this impressive modular suppressor is something to behold, so take advantage of this golden opportunity to own a piece of history. Octane 2.0; 45 ACP; Black; Product Description . Notify me when this product is back in stock: Email : Subscribe: Availability: Out of stock. Coupon Codes Silencerco Octane 45 Vs 45k And Silencerco Osprey 9 Deal Buy now 9MM TO .45 ACP INCLUDING .300 BLK SUBSONIC, 9MM: 135.8 DB .40 S&W: 136.3 DB .45 ACP: 139.8 DB. The Octane 45HD is a small, light suppressor: just 8.5" long and 1.375" in diameter, weighing in at 12.1 ounces. A true trailblazer in the pistol can category, SilencerCo’s Octane 9 model brings user-serviceability and cutting-edge baffle design to the masses. During checkout you may choose or enter your local Class 3 dealer where your items will be shipped. A true trailblazer in the pistol can category, SilencerCo’s Octane 9 model brings user-serviceability and cutting-edge baffle design to the masses. MSRP: $918.00 $679.99. CALIBER Octane 9: 9MM & 300 BLK Subsonic Octane 45: 9MM TO 45 ACP & 300 BLK Subsonic ACCESSORIES Compatible with all Alpha Accessories, Pistons, & 3-Lug Mounts Muzzle pressure should be fine on that long a barrel. Silencerco Octane 45k Vs Omega 45k And Silencerco Rimfire Thread Adapters Where to buy 2019 Ads, Deals and Sales. I'm at 9 months waiting and can't handle any bad reviews =) I'm waiting on the check to cash on a omega 9k now. Price comparisons of Silencerco Octane 45k Review And Ac735 Silencerco Ebook pdf VP9 with Silencerco Octane suppressor review. Well if I don't get the Octane 45K, the money would be spent likely getting a host or two. The Octane 9 will take 9mm, .357 SIG and .300 […] I took my VP9T with a Silencerco Octane suppressor out earlier today and had no feed problems what so ever. ... SilencerCo OSP45K: Osprey 45K Suppressor. The SilencerCo Octane 45HD model, which we review here, shows just how successful they have been. Government Export Restriction This item may be regulated for export by the U.S. Department of State or the US Department of Commerce. Thinking about purchasing a silencer from EuroOptic, but not sure how it all works? . - Octane 45 2.0 - SPEQ Program Available at, please visit 24 hours a day 7 days a week! SUPPRESSOR DOES NOT COME WITH A PISTON – USES ALL OCTANE PISTONS SKU: 816413022337A Categories: SilencerCo Suppressors , Suppressors $560.00) (No reviews yet) Write a Review. Especially when you consider the size and weight. eSilencer's John Rich provides a SilencerCo Omega 45k review. SilencerCo Osprey 45K Silencer. . Last Added Items. SKU: SILENCER CO-Octane.45K. The Osprey and Octane family of suppressors have pistons that are easily changed for different host weapons or subcalibers. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 8 of 8 Posts. SilencerCo Osprey 45k; SilencerCo Osprey 45k. Shop Today!! Note: Due to federal law, silencers and other Title II Firearms cannot be shipped directly to homes and must be transferred to an in state Dealer. Have no felony convictions or domestic violence convictions. SCO Octane 9 NO Piston. Silencerco Octane 45k Pistol Suppressor, 45 Acp, 6.85" Threads, Aluminum And Stainless Steel, 12.1 Oz, Hard Coat Anodized Finish Su1273Model: Octane 45KProduct Type: SuppressorFinish/Color: Hard Coat... MSRP: $865.00 $692.00. SilencerCo. CALIBER Octane 9: 9MM & 300 BLK Subsonic Octane 45: 9MM TO 45 ACP & 300 BLK Subsonic ACCESSORIES Compatible with all Alpha Accessories, Pistons, & 3-Lug Mounts eSilencer's John Rich provides a SilencerCo Omega 45k review. SilencerCo OCT45K: Octane .45K Suppressor. ! At this time, the following states ALLOW private ownership of suppressors: AL, AK, AR, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, ND, NV, NH, NM, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, and WY. Compare Compare Items. BATF regulation information for Suppressor ownership are as follows: Be at least 21 years of age.Be a U.S. citizen. SilencerCo OMG45K: Omega .45K … List Price: $865.00: Your Price: $599.00: You Save $266.00: Get notified by email when this product's price is reduced. When I bought a SilencerCo Octane 45 suppressor , there were two models available, a 9mm, and a .45 ACP. Comments Required. At 9.5 ounces, the Octane K 45 provides an option for those looking for a minimalist profile without… JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 300 Blackout or even 380 ACP Product is back in stock if you are looking a! Ship to an FFL that holds an SOT which allows for transfers of Title II/NFA items for. 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