Let's be real, we're not talking about accidentally eating a moldy Jersey bagel kind of danger. To see where these New Jersey cities with more issues than the people on the Sopranos are located, take a look below. Maybe not enough jobs, low wages, drugs, gangs; and in New Jersey's case, angry citizens after a Boston "any team' win?eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'roadsnacks_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',184,'0','0'])); We're not entirely sure. Only worst place to live in NJ is a prison..other then that depends on what you can afford! Source: Public Domain. View North Along The John Fitch Parkway New Jersey Route From The Ramp To The Trenton Freeway U. And there isn't a lot of demand to live in Linden. People and police tell others they don’t belong there and treat outsiders very poorly, don’t put your kids in schools there. Your email address will not be published. Lindenwold needs some tough love as it ranks as the 2nd worst city to live in New Jersey for 2020. If you watched Boardwalk Empire, you know that the Atlantic City we know today was founded on crime, and today it still has the highest overall crime rate in New Jersey.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'roadsnacks_net-banner-1','ezslot_7',186,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'roadsnacks_net-banner-1','ezslot_8',186,'0','1'])); People in Atlantic City had a 1 in 21 of being the victim of a property crime in 2019. The school system sucks! Itotally adisagree with your statement regarding Union City. Union county has Elizabeth and Plainfield but the crime in Plainfield does not compare to the crime in Elizabeth or Newark. Violent Crimes Per 100k: 472 (15th most dangerous) Where the worst places to live are in New Jersey, New Jersey, 11 replies Where are nice places to live over there?, New Jersey, 19 replies Looking for advice for good places to live in North Jersey, New Jersey, 36 replies Places to live between Bergen County NJ … Median Home Value: $346,300 (90th worst) You should check the statistics for resident vs. %of crime by those with actual Wildwood adresses. The picture shown isn’t Madison Park. 3 Worst Place to Live: Report Published June 29, 2016 • Updated on June 29, 2016 at 3:33 pm One of New Jersey's biggest cities is one of the worst places to live … Camden? Of course, many of these cities would rank highly if they were in other states, since New Jersey has its stuff figured out. Rank Last Year: - We don't think it's a stretch to assume that people like the following things: The data comes from the Census's most recent American Community Survey and from the FBI Uniform Crime Report. The fact is, homes are priced by demand, and there's little demand to live in Long Branch. Rank Last Year: 5 (Up 3) Bad place and dangerous to anyone entering. Your spurious deductions on the data are neither valid nor reliable. Niche.com named Princeton the third best place to live in New Jersey 2017. Have a look: In order to make the analysis as apples to apples as possible, we only considered New Jersey cities over 5,000 in population. Long Branch is the 25th most dangerous place in the state of New Jersey. If you've been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you've probably stumbled upon his writing already. Unbiased my ass. Pretty accurate depiction. I’m from neither of those town. That's a lot of stolen cell phones, laptops and black license plates. The average family earns $55,054 a year out here, and 14.4% of the population is below the poverty line. And the unemployment rate is at 9.5%, which isn't horrible, but the 13th-highest in the state. If you're looking at areas in New Jersey with the worst economic situations, where there's higher than average crime, and not a lot to do, this is an accurate list. And when you consider the crime, it's just crazy to think of how dangerous it is to live way out here. If some one needs expert view concerning blogging after that i My thoughts exactly. Or that homes are only valued at $353,200? Advice? Unemployment Rate: 7.3% (34th worst) Located a half-hour drive southeast of Camden, Lindenwold comes in as New Jersey's seventh most dangerous city for 2021. Newark has a Pen Station for goodness sake. Bergen County government is so bad and a lot of people there so mean and harmful to their own children ISIS targets their kids! I have lived there for over 50 years and have never experienced any problems. More on Woodbury:  Data | Photos. NJ's Safest Towns: Here's What It Costs To Live There - Across New Jersey, NJ - These are New Jersey's safest towns, and here's what it costs to live there. Violent Crimes Per 100k: 841 (Sixth most dangerous) No, there are bad places to live in New Jersey. Millville is nowhere near as violent as Camden, but with a property crime rate that ranks as the fourth highest in the state, the smaller city actually has a higher total crime rate.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'roadsnacks_net-leader-3','ezslot_13',191,'0','0'])); Make sure you've still got all your valuables spending time at one of Millville's parks and make sure you keep your doors locked, or you'll join the 1 in 24 residents who had their property stolen or damaged in 2019. The vast majority of the crimes committed here are larcenies, so all we can do is recommend investing in a good lock for your bicycle. propose him/her to visit this weblog, Keep up the pleasant job. Where the worst places to live are in New Jersey, New Jersey, 11 replies Where are nice places to live over there?, New Jersey, 19 replies Looking for advice for good places to live in North Jersey, New Jersey, 36 replies Places to live between Bergen County NJ … After 33 years I’m sad to say it’s definitely time to go .. You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. Well said, he has not visited Paterson NJ. Population: 17,354 The median household income in Newark is the 4th lowest on this list at $35,181. While there might be bears and tigers at Bridgeton's local zoo , but the real scary stuff is going down on Bridgeton's streets, where … There isn’t a restaurant worth going to ,every store is a .99 cent , if u get home past 7:30 good luck finding a parking . The latest FBI crime data shows that Atlantic City ranks as the most dangerous city in New Jersey for 2021. More on Camden County Police Department: Let's be frank -- Camden has a national reputation for violent crime and the numbers back up the stereotype in this case. Population: 9,929 Furthermore, only cities with at least 5,000 people were considered -- leaving 175 cities. New Jersey is home to some of the most affluent and safest places in the country. Required fields are marked *. To quote the Camden County Police Department Chief of Police, "I would qualify the statistics as progress and not success. Yesterday, we brought you the most dangerous places to live in New Jersey; that list was much more difficult to write than this one. The following cities are the bottom of the barrel in New Jersey:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'roadsnacks_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',184,'0','0'])); What? Homes are the 55th cheapest in the state here at $276,700. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'roadsnacks_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',172,'0','0'])); But aside from being the region's favorite running joke, New Jersey has plenty of lovely places to live. Madison Park is a part of Old Bridge. Your population is absolutely calculated on residents, while the crime rate skyrockets during the tourist season, leaving the percentage of crimes vs. # of residents seriously tilted. Did you know Long Branch also has the 34th highest unemployment rate in the state at 7.3%? Say what you want about low cost of living. I’ve lived in Union City most of my life and yes, the area has deteriorated somewhat due to lower incomes and the economic downfall of NJ but I still love it here. Rank Last Year: 4 (No Change) Local news reports these statistics as they are. Ranking based on data from the … Union City is a great area!!! View Comments. if Camden is not on here its wrong. Again check your info. There are plenty here qualified to perform the same tasks as the outsiders but are denied solely because they are residents of the cities in question, deemed the same as the rest. Property Crimes Per 100k: 2,867 (17th most dangerous) Population: 15,437 Census's most recent American Community Survey, Download The Entire New Jersey Ranking Data, High population density (Lots of things to do). Who’s wrote this stupid article. Fbi even talked to high school kids in Bergen County because ISIS was sending video messages to the children there – what a terrible place. Paulsboro is a safe and clean town, a classic American blue collar town with a rich tradition going back to the early days of our country. TRENTON, NEW JERSEY was left off the list. Thank you for the bad publicity. Property Crimes Per 100k: 4,623 (Third most dangerous) Many may say no to this but those saying no aren’t from there. It’s totally ludicrous, rediculous and ambiguous. Working with federal complaints to stop the domestic terror and horrific child trafficking terror of the State of New Jersey – Join the Fight! For comparison’s sake, about 11% of New Jersey residents live … You will pay for the comforts these towns provide. I wouldn’t set foot in Patterson without a strong guy with me. Try determining the rate of crime based on the population of a community at a given time. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Population: 15,674 New Jersey is home to a large number of safe cities, often dominating our national rankings. I really think you should tour a place before you go and throw even more negative light on a community that has good people in it trying to bring it back to the glory it was before all the industry left. I’ve lived here mist of my life. The local court is considered among the most corrupt in the state. Cause he didn’t go by crime rate. About as irresponsible as most media these days. Unemployment Rate: 6.5% (52nd worst) When u actually see the decline of what was once a beautiful suburban town its a damn shame and I don’t appreciate people trying to paint it any better than the dispicable overpopulated mess it is now. Quote: Originally Posted by openheads. The Wildwoods are the #1 family vacation destination along the New Jersey Shore and always provide a safe and inviting environment for families in town. Every year the FBI release two crime datasets, a preliminary dataset limited to the biggest cities in the country, followed by a more detailed release at the end of the year. They put the Red Bulls and Devils in Newark because of the ease of transportation. And they have a 1 in 23.5 chance of being robbed each year. SOME of the worst streets are in Paterson, comparable to Camden & Newark (1990s). Half of these cities/towns are nowhere near as dangerous as Camden! Our next stop around NJ's safest places brings us to Matawan -- and we still haven't had to pump our own gas as we've made the trip. Your email address will not be published. It appears that there are some things more dangerous in New Jersey than a drunk Snookie and a slow driver on the Garden State Parkway. And before you get all riled up and say we're picking on small town America, that's not the case. Their educational districts are much better than whatever stats you came up with. Located on the Jersey Shore and part of the New York City metro area, Asbury Park raks as New Jersey's third most dangerous place. No way WNY, Guttenberg and UC are worse places to live in than JC, Paterson, Camden, Atlantic City, and many other cities in NJ. . Union city , gutternberg and west New York way better than jersey city ,Paterson …. No town is perfect, but WNY made me who I am today a father of 4 kids, Married 27 years to my WNY High School sweatheart, graduate from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and a successful entrepreneur. Violent crime is especially bad in Elizabeth, but the majority of the 926 crimes committed in 2019 were robberies or assaults.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'roadsnacks_net-leader-2','ezslot_12',192,'0','0'])); Elizabeth has been inching its way up this list for the past couple of years while its northern neighbor Newark has been slowly achieving better and better crime numbers. You will pay to live in these communities such as sleepy hollow. Bayonne? So many great restaurants in the area, easy & close access to the city & I never experienced any danger or crime of any kind. In 2019, New Jersey had 30 cities land on our 100 Safest Cities in America list, and 18 cities made our 2019 ranking of the 100 Safest Small Towns in America.. Rank Last Year: 6 (Up 1) © Chasing Chains, LLC. Property Crimes Per 100k: 3,161 (11th most dangerous) http://hudsoncountytv.com/two-arrested-for-assaulting-victim-at-711-in-west-new-york/, http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2015/06/killed_over_5_robbers_needed_money_beat_west_new_y.html, http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2015/07/west_new_york_teenager_was_shot_in_the_back_of_the.html, http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2015/06/what_we_know_about_the_west_new_york_mayors_indict.html, What happened to Camden ? of doubt not just for employment but residency, visitation and everything-else. Lucky for you, we have the top ten most dangerous cities in New Jersey for 2021 broken down below. Rank Last Year: 2 (Down 1) Drive through Lakewood on your way down to LBI on Route 9 and you’ll find a city that is dying of neglect. We then ranked each city from 1 to 353 for the two criteria with a #1 ranking being the most dangerous for the particular criteria. I agree being a Jersey girl, Jersey city, East Orange not Orange, Camden and some parts of Trenton are pretty rough. NJ City Named No. Bayonne? We're not saying that there aren't little pockets of goodness in these Jersey cities like Newark and Jersey City. As with most situations, there's bound to be problems with that many people: especially that many New Jerseyites in one area. And if you don't see your city there, head to the bottom. There are few things that will convince me that the area of West New York, Union City, and Guttenberg aren’t a giant lump of excrement that I’d never live in again. Come to the city and you will see. Best and worst places to live in all 21 N.J. counties. The majority of jobs are doled out to outsiders, inside and outside the state solely because the residents there aren’t provided with services and resources that would provide productivity. Asbury Park Press. Population: 17,197 RoadSnacks is out … AND you said the cast of the Jersey shore came from New Jersey when most of them were born in New York? Welcome to the east coast. Violent crime in New Jersey actually continued its steady decrease in 2016. Rank Last Year: 11 (Up 4) Required fields are marked *. A so-called famous woman who said whe was abused in Camden when she was 10 moved with her family to nearby Cherry Hill said it was “like being abducted by aliens and taken to a penal colony” and I’d agree. Violent Crimes Per 100k: 719 (Seventh most dangerous) They are right up there with Newark. Paterson is the worst city in that county by a landslide. New Jersey's 4th most populous city, Elizabeth, also has the sixth highest crime rate in the state for 2021. I think Colts Neck is a disgusting town. Having lived in West New York for thirty years and having worked in Union City for many of those, I certainly can’t argue with this assessment. Rank Last Year: 7 (Down 2) Brooksville's weak job market is one of the reasons the city ranks among the worst places to live. People say hello to you on the street. We aim to deliver infotainment about where you live that your real estate agent won't tell you. Residents here have a 1 in 187 chance of being the victim of a violent crime, meaning raped, attacked or murdered. Jai-Leen James. What about the tons of desolate, depressing, awful towns in South Jersey… There’s plenty he could’ve added to the list. I agree that our towns were sht sometimes sht holes, but the claim that they are ranked by a criteria shows that you know nothing about New Jersey. And if we are ranking by crime, poverty, and high unemployment, where the hell is Camden, Atlantic City, and Trenton? A resort city known for its casinos, beaches, and boardwalk, as well as inspiring the board of Monopoly, Atlantic City is also New Jersey's most dangerous city. Camden!! It’s because it’s true! You may state that this is based on numbers and not other things that make a city. Someone should be fired for missing that. Rank Last Year: 23 (Up 17) That would be Newark. Jersey City is barely better than Newark but may be getting worse again crime-wise. Even still, tourists enjoy the Adventure Aquarium, Battleship New Jersey and the Walt Whitman House. Bottom 100 Places To Live On NJ Monthly List: Is Your Town Here? Given the chance to improve surely would give us the opportunity to seek better but this too is not wanted by most. Property Crimes Per 100k: 2,883 (16th most dangerous) But most people are not going to read that they just look at you list and take it at face value. You should be ashamed of yourself! If someone tells you to lock your doors in Paterson, listen to them -- the city had the fifth highest burglary rate in New Jersey for 2019. I graduated from memorial in ’85 it was an incredibly lovely town where everyone knew each other shopping and restaurants were amazing . Rank Last Year: 19 (Up 10) While the median household income in Camden is higher than other towns on this list, causing it to be lower down on the list of "worst cities", Camden still has the 5th worst unemployment rate in the state, as well as the 7th worst crime index. Bergen County is a bad place to live and so is Camden County not just Camden. Say what you want about cheap living. Violent Crimes Per 100k: 344 (24th most dangerous) He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move. Rank Last Year: 9 (Up 3) It’s hard to fit all the “worst” of NJ in just 10… might have to start a worst 25 list! I am not being racist. I live in the great state of New Jersey (Middlesex County). In fact instead of looking at numbers I would suggest you attend our Cinco De Mayo celebration, as far as I know in 2017 no arrests or crime at the event, or the Crab Fest in September. Grew up in WNY and i have lived here for a detailed look the! Going outside your area and see how we crunched the numbers and not success through North Bergen and Clinton in! The income is almost dead last in New Jersey and it comes back from them everyone. De around us are just as stupid an opinion based on data from the … city... Decrease, while others shot up as much as 27 percent the middle Iraq! Know first hand the difficulty of finding employment there comments to post – freedom of?. Dirt on places across the country, is skewed total number of permanent residents only. Standards but this is sadly mistaken and a sense of humor to determine the dirt on places across the.... Long Branch also has the 34th highest unemployment rate in the state of Jersey. 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